Section 983.1
When the tenant-based voucher rule (24 CFR part 982) applies |
Section 983.2
PBV definitions |
Section 983.3
Cross-reference to other Federal requirements |
Section 983.4
Description of the PBV program |
Section 983.5
Maximum amount of PBV assistance |
Section 983.6
Uniform Relocation Act |
Section 983.7
Equal opportunity requirements |
Section 983.8
Special housing types |
Section 983.9
Project-based certificate (PBC) program |
Section 983.10
Owner proposal selection procedures |
Section 983.51
Housing type |
Section 983.52
Prohibition of assistance for ineligible units |
Section 983.53
Prohibition of assistance for units in subsidized housing |
Section 983.54
Prohibition of excess public assistance |
Section 983.55
Cap on number of PBV units in each project |
Section 983.56
Site selection standards |
Section 983.57
Environmental review |
Section 983.58
PHA-owned units |
Section 983.59
Housing quality standards |
Section 983.101
Housing accessibility for persons with disabilities |
Section 983.102
Inspecting units |
Section 983.103
Applicability |
Section 983.151
Purpose and content of the Agreement to enter into HAP contract |
Section 983.152
When Agreement is executed |
Section 983.153
Conduct of development work |
Section 983.154
Completion of housing |
Section 983.155
PHA acceptance of completed units |
Section 983.156
Applicability |
Section 983.201
Purpose of HAP contract |
Section 983.202
HAP contract information |
Section 983.203
When HAP contract is executed |
Section 983.204
Term of HAP contract |
Section 983.205
Statutory notice requirements: Contract termination or expiration |
Section 983.206
HAP contract amendments (to add or substitute contract units) |
Section 983.207
Condition of contract units |
Section 983.208
Owner responsibilities |
Section 983.209
Owner certification |
Section 983.210
Removal of unit from HAP contract |
Section 983.211
How participants are selected |
Section 983.251
PHA information for accepted family |
Section 983.252
Leasing of contract units |
Section 983.253
Vacancies |
Section 983.254
Tenant screening |
Section 983.255
Lease |
Section 983.256
Owner termination of tenancy and eviction |
Section 983.257
Continuation of housing assistance payments |
Section 983.258
Security deposit: amounts owed by tenant |
Section 983.259
Overcrowded, under-occupied, and accessible units |
Section 983.260
Family right to move |
Section 983.261
Determining the rent to owner |
Section 983.301
Redetermination of rent to owner |
Section 983.302
Reasonable rent |
Section 983.303
Other subsidy: effect on rent to owner |
Section 983.304
Rent to owner: effect of rent control and other rent limits |
Section 983.305
PHA payment to owner for occupied unit |
Section 983.351
Vacancy payment |
Section 983.352
Tenant rent; payment to owner |
Section 983.353
Other fees and charges |
Section 983.354
Purpose, scope, and applicability |