(a) HUD environmental regulations. Activities under the PBV program are subject to HUD environmental regulations in 24 CFR parts 50 and 58.
(b) Who performs the environmental review? (1) Under 24 CFR part 58, a unit of general local government, a county or a state (the ``responsible entity'' or ``RE'') is responsible for the federal environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and related applicable federal laws and authorities in accordance with 24 CFR 58.5 and 58.6.
(2) If a PHA objects in writing to having the RE perform the federal environmental review, or if the RE declines to perform it, then HUD may perform the review itself (24 CFR 58.11). 24 CFR part 50 governs HUD performance of the review.
(c) Existing housing. In the case of existing housing under this part 983, the RE that is responsible for the environmental review under 24 CFR part 58 must determine whether or not PBV assistance is categorically excluded from review under the National Environmental Policy Act and whether or not the assistance is subject to review under the laws and authorities listed in 24 CFR 58.5.
(d) Limitations on actions before completion of the environmental review. (1) The PHA may not enter into an Agreement or HAP contract with an owner, and the PHA, the owner, and its contractors may not acquire, rehabilitate, convert, lease, repair, dispose of, demolish, or construct real property or commit or expend program or local funds for PBV activities under this part, until one of the following occurs:
(1) The PHA may not enter into an Agreement or HAP contract with an owner, and the PHA, the owner, and its contractors may not acquire, rehabilitate, convert, lease, repair, dispose of, demolish, or construct real property or commit or expend program or local funds for PBV activities under this part, until one of the following occurs:
(i) The responsible entity has completed the environmental review procedures required by 24 CFR part 58, and HUD has approved the environmental certification and HUD has given a release of funds, as defined in Sec. 983.3(b);
(ii) The responsible entity has determined that the project to be assisted is exempt under 24 CFR 58.34 or is categorically excluded and not subject to compliance with environmental laws under 24 CFR 58.35(b); or
(iii) HUD has performed an environmental review under 24 CFR part 50 and has notified the PHA in writing of environmental approval of the site.
(2) HUD will not approve the release of funds for PBV assistance under this part if the PHA, the owner, or any other party commits funds (i.e., enters an Agreement or HAP contract or otherwise incurs any costs or expenditures to be paid or reimbursed with such funds) before the PHA submits and HUD approves its request for release of funds (where such submission is required).
(e) PHA duty to supply information. The PHA must supply all available, relevant information necessary for the RE (or HUD, if applicable) to perform any required environmental review for any site.
(f) Mitigating measures. The PHA must require the owner to carry out mitigating measures required by the RE (or HUD, if applicable) as a result of the environmental review. [70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005, as amended at 79 FR 36167, June 25, 2014]