Section 503.1
Scope and purpose |
Section 503.1
Materials to be published |
Section 503.11
Materials to be published |
Section 503.11
Effect of nonpublication |
Section 503.12
Incorporation by reference |
Section 503.13
Mandatory public records |
Section 503.21
Mandatory public records |
Section 503.21
Records available at the Office of the Secretary |
Section 503.22
Records available through the Commission's Web site or at the Office of the Secretary |
Section 503.22
Records available upon written request |
Section 503.23
Information available via the internet |
Section 503.24
Records available upon written request under the Freedom of Information Act |
Section 503.31
Records available upon written request under the Freedom of Information Act |
Section 503.31
Procedures for responding to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act |
Section 503.32
Procedures for responding to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act |
Section 503.32
Exceptions to availability of records |
Section 503.33
Annual report of public information request activity |
Section 503.34
Annual report of public information request activity |
Section 503.34
Purpose and scope; definitions |
Section 503.37
General prohibition |
Section 503.38
Factors to be considered in response to demands or requests |
Section 503.39
Service of process and filing requirements |
Section 503.40
Procedure when testimony or production of documents is sought |
Section 503.41
Fees |
Section 503.42
Policy and services available |
Section 503.48
Payment of fees and charges |
Section 503.49
Fees for services |
Section 503.50
Definitions |
Section 503.51
Senior agency official |
Section 503.52
Oversight Committee |
Section 503.53
Original classification |
Section 503.54
Derivative classification |
Section 503.55
General declassification and downgrading policy |
Section 503.56
Mandatory review for declassification |
Section 503.57
Appeals of denials of mandatory declassification review requests |
Section 503.58
Safeguarding classified information |
Section 503.59
Definitions |
Section 503.60
Conditions of disclosure |
Section 503.61
Accounting of disclosures |
Section 503.62
Request for information |
Section 503.63
Commission procedure on request for information |
Section 503.64
Request for access to records |
Section 503.65
Amendment of a record |
Section 503.66
Appeals from denial of request for amendment of a record |
Section 503.67
Exemptions |
Section 503.68
Fees |
Section 503.69
Policy |
Section 503.70
Definitions |
Section 503.71
General rule--meetings |
Section 503.72
Exceptions--meetings |
Section 503.73
Procedures for closing a portion or portions of a meeting or a portion or portions of a series of meetings on agency initiated |
Section 503.74
Procedures for closing a portion of a meeting on request initiated by an interested person |
Section 503.75
Effect of vote to close a portion or portions of a meeting or series of meetings |
Section 503.76
Responsibilities of the General Counsel of the agency upon a request to close any portion of any meeting |
Section 503.77
General rule--information pertaining to meeting |
Section 503.78
Exceptions--information pertaining to meeting |
Section 503.79
Procedures for withholding information pertaining to meeting |
Section 503.80
Effect of vote to withhold information pertaining to meeting |
Section 503.81
Public announcement of agency meeting |
Section 503.82
Public announcement of changes in meeting |
Section 503.83
Agency recordkeeping requirements |
Section 503.85
Public access to records |
Section 503.86
Effect of provisions of this subpart on other subparts |
Section 503.87
Effect of provisions of this subpart on other subparts |
Section 503.87
Purpose and scope |