(a) The Commission, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, makes the following materials available for public inspection and copying in its Office of the Secretary, or on its Web site at www.fmc.gov:
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(c) The Commission maintains and makes available for public inspection at the Office of the Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission, Washington, DC 20573, or on its public Web site at www.fmc.gov, a current log or index providing identifying information for the public as to any matter which is issued, adopted, or promulgated, and which is required by paragraph (a) of this section to be made available or published.
(1) No final order, opinion, statement of policy, interpretation, or staff manual or instruction that affects any member of the public will be relied upon, used, or cited as precedent by the Commission against any private party unless:
(i) It has been logged or indexed and either made available or published on its public Web site as provided by this subpart; or
(ii) That private party shall have actual and timely notice of the terms thereof.
(2) [Reserved]
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