Section 25.101
Station authorization required |
Section 25.102
Definitions |
Section 25.103
Preemption of local zoning of earth stations |
Section 25.104
Citizenship |
Section 25.105
Cross-reference |
Section 25.109
Filing of applications, fees, and number of copies |
Section 25.110
Additional information and ITU cost recovery |
Section 25.111
Defective applications |
Section 25.112
Station construction, launch authority, and operation of spare satellites |
Section 25.113
Applications for space station authorizations |
Section 25.114
Application for earth station authorizations |
Section 25.115
Amendments to applications |
Section 25.116
Modification of station license |
Section 25.117
Modifications not requiring prior authorization |
Section 25.118
Assignment or transfer of control of station authorization |
Section 25.119
Application for special temporary authorization |
Section 25.120
License term and renewals |
Section 25.121
Equipment authorization for portable earth-station transceivers |
Section 25.129
Filing requirements for transmitting earth stations |
Section 25.130
Filing requirements and registration for receive-only earth stations |
Section 25.131
Verification of earth station antenna performance standards |
Section 25.132
Period of construction; certification of commencement of operation |
Section 25.133
Licensing provisions for Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and C-band Small Aperture Terminal (CSAT) networks |
Section 25.134
Licensing provisions for earth station networks in the non-voice, non-geostationary Mobile-Satellite Service |
Section 25.135
Application requirements for earth stations operating with non-U |
Section 25.137
Licensing requirements for GSO FSS Earth Stations in the 18 |
Section 25.138
NGSO FSS coordination and information sharing between MVDDS licensees in the 12 |
Section 25.139
Further requirements for license applications for geostationary space stations in the Fixed-Satellite Service and |
Section 25.140
Licensing provisions for the non-voice, non-geostationary Mobile-Satellite Service |
Section 25.142
Licensing provisions for the 1 |
Section 25.143
Licensing provisions for the 2 |
Section 25.144
Licensing provisions for the Fixed-Satellite Service in the 20/30 GHz bands |
Section 25.145
Licensing and operating rules for the non-geostationary orbit Fixed-Satellite Service in the 10 |
Section 25.146
Licensing provision for NGSO MSS feeder downlinks in the band 6700-6875 MHz |
Section 25.147
Licensing provisions for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service |
Section 25.148
Application requirements for ancillary terrestrial components in Mobile-Satellite Service networks operating in the |
Section 25.149
Receipt of applications |
Section 25.150
Public notice period |
Section 25.151
Dismissal and return of applications |
Section 25.152
Repetitious applications |
Section 25.153
Opposition to applications and other pleadings |
Section 25.154
Mutually exclusive applications |
Section 25.155
Consideration of applications |
Section 25.156
Consideration of NGSO-like satellite applications |
Section 25.157
Consideration of GSO-like satellite applications |
Section 25.158
Limits on pending applications and unbuilt satellite systems |
Section 25.159
Administrative sanctions |
Section 25.160
Automatic termination of station authorization |
Section 25.161
Cause for termination of interference protection |
Section 25.162
Reinstatement |
Section 25.163
Milestones |
Section 25.164
Posting of bonds |
Section 25.165
Annual reporting requirements |
Section 25.170
Contact information reporting requirements |
Section 25.171
Requirements for reporting space station control arrangements |
Section 25.172
Results of in-orbit testing |
Section 25.173
Frequencies, frequency tolerance, and emission limits |
Section 25.202
Choice of sites and frequencies |
Section 25.203
Power limits for earth stations |
Section 25.204
Minimum angle of antenna elevation |
Section 25.205
Station identification |
Section 25.206
Cessation of emissions |
Section 25.207
Power flux density limits |
Section 25.208
Earth station antenna performance standards |
Section 25.209
Technical requirements for space stations |
Section 25.210
Analog video transmissions in the Fixed-Satellite Services |
Section 25.211
Narrowband analog transmissions and digital transmissions in the GSO Fixed Satellite Service |
Section 25.212
Inter-Service coordination requirements for the 1 |
Section 25.213
Technical requirements for space stations in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service and associated terrestrial repeaters |
Section 25.214
Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service |
Section 25.216
Default service rules |
Section 25.217
Off-axis EIRP density envelopes for FSS earth stations transmitting in certain frequency bands |
Section 25.218
Non-conforming transmit/receive earth station operations |
Section 25.220
Blanket Licensing provisions for Earth Stations on Vessels (ESVs) receiving in the 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) band |
Section 25.221
Blanket Licensing provisions for Earth Stations on Vessels (ESVs) receiving in the 10 |
Section 25.222
Alternative licensing rules for feeder-link earth stations in the 17/24 GHz BSS |
Section 25.223
Protection of receive-only earth stations in the 17/24 GHz BSS |
Section 25.224
Geographic Service Requirements for 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service |
Section 25.225
Blanket Licensing provisions for domestic, U |
Section 25.226
Blanket licensing provisions for Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (ESAAs) receiving in the 10 |
Section 25.227
Sharing between NGSO MSS Feeder links Earth Stations in the 19 |
Section 25.250
Special requirements for coordination |
Section 25.251
Special requirements for ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1626 |
Section 25.253
Special requirements for ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1610-1626 |
Section 25.254
Procedures for resolving harmful interference related to operation of ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1 |
Section 25.255
Special Requirements for operations in the 3 |
Section 25.256
Special requirements for operations in the band 29 |
Section 25.257
Sharing between NGSO MSS Feeder links Stations and GSO FSS services in the 29 |
Section 25.258
Time sharing between NOAA meteorological satellite systems and non-voice, non-geostationary satellite systems in the |
Section 25.259
Time sharing between DoD meteorological satellite systems and non-voice, non-geostationary satellite systems in the 400 |
Section 25.260
Procedures for avoidance of in-line interference events for Non Geostationary Satellite Orbit (NGSO) Satellite Network Operations |
Section 25.261
Licensing and domestic coordination requirements for 17/24 GHz BSS space stations |
Section 25.262
Information sharing requirements for SDARS terrestrial repeater operators |
Section 25.263
Requirements to facilitate reverse-band operation in the 17 |
Section 25.264
Acceptance of interference in 2000-2020 MHz |
Section 25.265
Control of transmitting stations |
Section 25.271
General inter-system coordination procedures |
Section 25.272
Duties regarding space communications transmissions |
Section 25.273
Procedures to be followed in the event of harmful interference |
Section 25.274
Particulars of operation |
Section 25.275
Points of communication |
Section 25.276
Temporary fixed earth station operations |
Section 25.277
Additional coordination obligation for non-geostationary and geostationary satellite systems in frequencies allocated to the |
Section 25.278
Inter-satellite service |
Section 25.279
Inclined orbit operations |
Section 25.280
Transmitter identification requirements for video uplink transmissions |
Section 25.281
Orbit raising maneuvers |
Section 25.282
End-of-life disposal |
Section 25.283
Emergency Call Center Service |
Section 25.284
Operation of MSS and ATC transmitters or transceivers on board civil aircraft |
Section 25.285
Antenna painting and lighting |
Section 25.286
Requirements pertaining to operation of mobile stations in the NVNG, 1 |
Section 25.287
Satellite DARS applications subject to competitive bidding |
Section 25.401
Bidding application and certification procedures |
Section 25.403
Submission of down payment and filing of long-form applications |
Section 25.404
Equal employment opportunities |
Section 25.601
Public interest obligations |
Section 25.701
Basis and purpose |