(a) NGSO MSS applicants shall be licensed to operate in the 29.1-29.5 GHz band for Earth-to-space transmissions and 19.3-19.7 GHz for space-to-Earth transmissions from feeder link earth station complexes. A ``feeder link earth station complex'' may include up to three (3) earth station groups, with each earth station group having up to four (4) antennas, located within a radius of 75 km of a given set of geographic coordinates provided by NGSO-MSS licensees or applicants.
(b) Licensees of NGSO MSS feeder link earth stations separated by 800 km or less are required to coordinate their operations, see Sec. 25.203. The results of the coordination shall be reported to the Commission. [61 FR 44181, Aug. 28, 1996]