You should refer to the following chart to determine if you must obtain OCC approval or file a notice with the OCC before you exercise fiduciary powers. This chart does not apply to activities that are exempt under subpart E of this part.
If you will conduct . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Fiduciary activities for the first You must obtain prior approval
time and the OCC has not previously from the OCC under Secs.
approved an application that you 150.80 through 150.120 before
submitted under this part. you conduct the activities(b) Fiduciary activities that are You must obtain prior approval
materially different from the from the OCC under Secs.
activities that the OCC has previously 150.80 through 150.120 before
approved for you, including fiduciary you conduct the activities
activities that the OCC has previously
approved for you that you have not
exercised for at least five years.(c) Fiduciary activities that are not You must file a written notice
materially different from the described at Sec. 150.125 if
activities that the OCC has previously you commence the activities in
approved for you. a new state. You do not need
to file a written notice if
you commence the activities at
a new location in a state
where you already conduct
these activities.(d) Activities that are ancillary to You do not have to obtain prior
your fiduciary business. OCC approval or file a notice
with the OCC.------------------------------------------------------------------------