(a) The applicable forms for registration of securities and similar matters are codified in 17 CFR part 249. All forms shall be filed with the FDIC as appropriate and shall be titled with the name of the FDIC instead of the SEC.
(b) The requirements for Financial Statements can generally be found in Regulation S-X (17 CFR part 210). Banks and State savings associations may also refer to the instructions for Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income when preparing unaudited interim statements. The requirements for Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations can be found at 17 CFR part 229. Additional requirements are provided at Industry Guide 3, Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies, which is found at 17 CFR part 229.
(c) The provisions of the applicable and currently effective SEC regulation FD shall be followed as codified at 17 CFR part 243. [75 FR 73949, Nov. 30, 2010; 79 FR 63501, Oct. 24, 2014]