The FDIC processes applications for State savings associations under this subpart using two procedures, expedited treatment and standard treatment. To determine which treatment applies, you may use the following chart: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then the FDIC will process
(a) The applicable regulation does not Standard treatment.
specifically state that expedited
treatment is available.(b) You are not a State savings Standard treatment.
association.(c) Your composite rating is 3, 4, or 5. Standard treatment.
The composite rating is the composite
numeric rating that the FDIC or the other
federal banking regulator assigned to you
under the Uniform Financial Institutions
Rating System or under a comparable
rating system. The composite rating
refers to the rating assigned and
provided to you, in writing, as a result
of the most recent examination.(d) Your Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Standard treatment.
rating is Needs to Improve or Substantial
Noncompliance. The CRA rating is the
Community Reinvestment Act performance
rating that the FDIC or the other federal
banking regulator assigned and provided
to you, in writing, as a result of the
most recent compliance examination. See,
for example, 12 CFR 195.28.(e) Your compliance rating is 3, 4, or 5. Standard treatment.
The compliance rating is the numeric
rating that the FDIC or the other federal
banking regulator assigned to you under
the FDIC compliance rating system, or a
comparable rating system used by the
other federal banking regulator. The
compliance rating refers to the rating
assigned and provided to you, in writing,
as a result of the most recent compliance
examination.(f) You fail any one of your capital Standard treatment.
requirements under subpart Z.(g) The FDIC has notified you that you are Standard treatment.
an association in troubled condition.(h) Neither the FDIC nor any other federal Standard treatment.
banking regulator has assigned you a
composite rating, a CRA rating or a
(i) You do not meet any of the criteria Expedited treatment.
listed in paragraphs (a) through (h) of
this section.------------------------------------------------------------------------