(a) You may use the following chart to determine the procedure that applies to your submission of additional information under Sec. 390.127(a)(1): ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If, within 30 calendar days
after the date of FDIC's Then, FDIC may . . .
request for additional And . . .
(1) You file a response to (i) Notify you in The applicable
all information requests * writing within 15 review period will
* *. days after the begin on the date
filing date of your that the FDIC deems
response that your your application
application is complete.
complete * * *
applicable to all
response that your
application is
complete * * *.
(ii) Notify you in You must respond to
writing within 15 the additional
calendar days after information request
the filing date of within the time
your response that period required by
you must submit the FDIC. The FDIC
additional will review your
information response under the
regarding matters procedures
derived from or described in this
prompted by section.
information already
furnished or any
necessary to
resolve the issues
presented in your
application * * *.
(iii) Notify you in The FDIC will not
writing within 15 process your
calendar days after application.
the filing date of
your response that
your application is
deficient * * *.
(iv) Take no action Your application is
within 15 calendar deemed complete.
days after the The applicable
filing date of your review period will
response * * *. begin on the day
that the 15-day
time period
expires.(2) You request an extension (i) Grant an You must fully
of time to file additional extension, in respond within the
information * * *. writing, specifying extended time
the number of days period specified by
for the extension * the FDIC. The FDIC
* *. will review your
response under the
described under
this section.
(ii) Notify you in The FDIC will not
writing that your process your
extension request application
is disapproved * * further. You may
*. resubmit the
application for
processing as a new
filing under the
regulation.(3) You fail to respond (i) Notify you in The FDIC will not
completely * * *. writing that your process your
application is application
deemed withdrawn * further. You may
* *. resubmit the
application for
processing as a new
filing under the
(ii) Notify you, in You must fully
writing, that your respond within the
response is extended time
incomplete and period specified by
extend the response the FDIC. The FDIC
period, specifying will review your
the number of days response under the
for the respond procedures
extension * * *. described under
this section.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) The FDIC may extend the 15-day period referenced in paragraph (a)(1) of this section by up to 15 calendar days, if the FDIC requires the additional time to review your response. The FDIC will notify you that it has extended the period before the end of the initial 15-day period and will briefly explain why the extension is necessary.
(c) If your response filed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section includes a request for a waiver of an informational requirement, your request for a waiver is granted if the FDIC fails to act on it within 15 calendar days after the filing of your response, unless the FDIC extends the review period under paragraph (b) of this section. If the FDIC extends the review period under paragraph (b), your request is granted if the FDIC fails to act on it by the end of the extended review period.