(a) If certification for operation above 25,000 feet is requested, the airplane must be able to maintain a cabin pressure altitude of not more than 15,000 feet, in the event of any probable failure condition in the pressurization system. During decompression, the cabin altitude may not exceed 15,000 feet for more than 10 seconds and 25,000 feet for any duration.
(b) Pressurized cabins must have at least the following valves, controls, and indicators, for controlling cabin pressure:
(1) Two pressure relief valves to automatically limit the positive pressure differential to a predetermined value at the maximum rate of flow delivered by the pressure source. The combined capacity of the relief valves must be large enough so that the failure of any one valve would not cause an appreciable rise in the pressure differential. The pressure differential is positive when the internal pressure is greater than the external.
(2) Two reverse pressure differential relief valves (or their equivalent) to automatically prevent a negative pressure differential that would damage the structure. However, one valve is enough if it is of a design that reasonably precludes its malfunctioning.
(3) A means by which the pressure differential can be rapidly equalized.
(4) An automatic or manual regulator for controlling the intake or exhaust airflow, or both, for maintaining the required internal pressures and airflow rates.
(5) Instruments to indicate to the pilot the pressure differential, the cabin pressure altitude, and the rate of change of cabin pressure altitude.
(6) Warning indication at the pilot station to indicate when the safe or preset pressure differential is exceeded and when a cabin pressure altitude of 10,000 feet is exceeded. The 10,000 foot cabin altitude warning may be increased up to 15,000 feet for operations from high altitude airfields (10,000 to 15,000 feet) provided:
(i) The landing or the take off modes (normal or high altitude) are clearly indicated to the flight crew.
(ii) Selection of normal or high altitude airfield mode requires no more than one flight crew action and goes to normal airfield mode at engine stop.
(iii) The pressurization system is designed to ensure cabin altitude does not exceed 10,000 feet when in flight above flight level (FL) 250.
(iv) The pressurization system and cabin altitude warning system is designed to ensure cabin altitude warning at 10,000 feet when in flight above FL250.
(7) A warning placard for the pilot if the structure is not designed for pressure differentials up to the maximum relief valve setting in combination with landing loads.
(8) A means to stop rotation of the compressor or to divert airflow from the cabin if continued rotation of an engine-driven cabin compressor or continued flow of any compressor bleed air will create a hazard if a malfunction occurs.
(c) If certification for operation above 41,000 feet and not more than 45,000 feet is requested--
(1) The airplane must prevent cabin pressure altitude from exceeding the following after decompression from any probable pressurization system failure in conjunction with any undetected, latent pressurization system failure condition:
(i) If depressurization analysis shows that the cabin altitude does not exceed 25,000 feet, the pressurization system must prevent the cabin altitude from exceeding the cabin altitude-time history shown in Figure 1 of this section.
(ii) Maximum cabin altitude is limited to 30,000 feet. If cabin altitude exceeds 25,000 feet, the maximum time the cabin altitude may exceed 25,000 feet is 2 minutes; time starting when the cabin altitude exceeds 25,000 feet and ending when it returns to 25,000 feet.
(2) The airplane must prevent cabin pressure altitude from exceeding the following after decompression from any single pressurization system failure in conjunction with any probable fuselage damage:
(i) If depressurization analysis shows that the cabin altitude does not exceed 37,000 feet, the pressurization system must prevent the cabin altitude from exceeding the cabin altitude-time history shown in Figure 2 of this section.
(ii) Maximum cabin altitude is limited to 40,000 feet. If cabin altitude exceeds 37,000 feet, the maximum time the cabin altitude may exceed 25,000 feet is 2 minutes; time starting when the cabin altitude exceeds 25,000 feet and ending when it returns to 25,000 feet.
(3) In showing compliance with paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section, it may be assumed that an emergency descent is made by an approved emergency procedure. A 17-second flight crew recognition and reaction time must be applied between cabin altitude warning and the initiation of an emergency descent. Fuselage structure, engine and system failures are to be considered in evaluating the cabin decompression. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR02DE11.084 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR02DE11.085
(d) If certification for operation above 45,000 feet and not more than 51,000 feet is requested--
(1) Pressurized cabins must be equipped to provide a cabin pressure altitude of not more than 8,000 feet at the maximum operating altitude of the airplane under normal operating conditions.
(2) The airplane must prevent cabin pressure altitude from exceeding the following after decompression from any failure condition not shown to be extremely improbable:
(i) Twenty-five thousand (25,000) feet for more than 2 minutes; or
(ii) Forty thousand (40,000) feet for any duration.
(3) Fuselage structure, engine and system failures are to be considered in evaluating the cabin decompression.
(4) In addition to the cabin altitude indicating means in (b)(6) of this section, an aural or visual signal must be provided to warn the flight crew when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 10,000 feet.
(5) The sensing system and pressure sensors necessary to meet the requirements of (b)(5), (b)(6), and (d)(4) of this section and Sec. 23.1447(e), must, in the event of low cabin pressure, actuate the required warning and automatic presentation devices without any delay that would significantly increase the hazards resulting from decompression. [Amdt. 23-14, 38 FR 31822, Nov. 19, 1973, as amended by Amdt. 23-17, 41 FR 55464, Dec. 20, 1976; Amdt. 23-49, 61 FR 5167, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23-62, 76 FR 75757, Dec. 2, 2011]