The food additive ethoxylated mono-and diglycerides (polyoxyethylene (20) mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids) (polyglycerate 60) may be safely used in food in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:
(a) The food additive is manufactured by:
(1) Glycerolysis of edible fats primarily composed of stearic, palmitic, and myristic acids; or
(2) Direct esterification of glycerol with a mixture of primarily stearic, palmitic, and myristic acids; to yield a product with less than 0.3 acid number and less than 0.2 percent water, which is then reacted with ethylene oxide.
(b) The additive meets the following specifications: Saponification number, 65-75.Acid number, 0-2.Hydroxyl number, 65-80.Oxyethylene content, 60.5-65.0 percent.
(c) The additive is used or intended for use in the following foods when standards of identity established under section 401 of the Act do not preclude such use: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use Limitations------------------------------------------------------------------------1. As an emulsifier in pan-release agents Not to exceed levels
for and as a dough conditioner in yeast- required to produce the
leavened bakery products. intended effects, total not
to exceed 0.5 percent by
weight of the flour used.2. As an emulsifier in cakes and cake Not to exceed 0.5 percent by
mixes. weight of the dry
ingredients.3. As an emulsifier in whipped vegetable Not to exceed 0.45 percent
oil toppings and topping mixes. by weight of the finished
whipped vegetable oil
toppings.4. As an emulsifier in icings and icing Not to exceed 0.5 percent by
mixes. weight of the finished
icings.5. As an emulsifier in frozen desserts.... Not to exceed 0.2 percent by
weight of the finished
frozen desserts.6. As an emulsifier in edible vegetable Not to exceed 0.4 percent by
fat-water emulsions intended for use as weight of the finished
substitutes for milk or cream in beverage vegetable fat-water
coffee. emulsions.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) When the name ``polyglycerate 60'' is used in labeling it shall be followed by either ``polyoxyethylene (20) mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids'' or ``ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides'' in parentheses. [42 FR 14491, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 42 FR 37973, July 26, 1977; 50 FR 49536, Dec. 3, 1985]