If you drag a trawl across the site in accordance with Sec. 250.1740, you must meet all of the requirements of this section.
(a) You must drag the trawl in a grid-like pattern as shown in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must drag the trawl
(1) Well site, 300-foot-radius circle
centered on the well
location.(2) Subsea well site, 600-foot-radius circle
centered on the well
location.(3) Platform site, 1,320-foot-radius circle
centered on the location of
the platform.(4) Single-well caisson, well protector 600-foot-radius circle
jacket, template, or manifold, centered on the structure
(b) You must trawl 100 percent of the limits described in paragraph (a) of this section in two directions.
(c) You must mark the area to be cleared as a hazard to navigation according to USCG requirements until you complete the site clearance procedures.
(d) You must use a trawling vessel equipped with a calibrated navigational positioning system capable of providing position accuracy of 30 feet.
(e) You must use a trawling net that is representative of those used in the commercial fishing industry (one that has a net strength equal or greater than that provided by No. 18 twine).
(f) You must ensure that you trawl no closer than 300 feet from a shipwreck, and 500 feet from a sensitive biological feature.
(g) If you trawl near an active pipeline, you must meet the requirements in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Buried active pipelines, ........................................ First contact the pipeline
owner or operator to
determine the condition of
the pipeline before
trawling over the buried
(2) Unburied active pipelines that are 8 no closer than 100 feet to the either Trawl parallel to the
inches in diameter or larger, side of the pipeline, pipeline Do not trawl
across the pipeline.(3) Unburied smaller diameter active no closer than 100 feet to either side Trawl parallel to the
pipelines in the trawl area that have of the pipeline, pipeline. Do not trawl
obstructions (e.g., pipeline valves) across the pipeline.
present,(4) Unburied active pipelines in the parallel to the pipeline, ...........................
trawl area that are smaller than 8
inches in diameter and have no
obstructions present,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(h) You must ensure that any trawling contractor you may use:
(1) Has no corporate or other financial ties to you; and
(2) Has a valid commercial trawling license for both the vessel and its captain.