You must develop, implement, and maintain a safety and environmental management system (SEMS) program. Your SEMS program must address the elements described in Sec. 250.1902, American Petroleum Institute's Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities (API RP 75) (as incorporated by reference in Sec. 250.198), and other requirements as identified in this subpart.
(a) If there are any conflicts between the requirements of this subpart and API RP 75; COS-2-01, COS-2-03, or COS-2-04; or ISO/IEC 17011 (incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 250.198), you must follow the requirements of this subpart.
(b) Nothing in this subpart affects safety or other matters under the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard. [76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 20440, Apr. 5, 2013]