(a) Your SEMS program must have a process to identify the individual with the UWA on your facility(ies). You must designate this individual taking into account all applicable USCG regulations that deal with designating a person in charge of an OCS facility. Your SEMS program must clearly define who is in charge at all times. In the event that multiple facilities, including a MODU, are attached and working together or in close proximity to one another to perform an OCS operation, your SEMS program must identify the individual with the UWA over the entire operation, including all facilities.
(b) You must ensure that all personnel clearly know who has UWA and who is in charge of a specific operation or activity at all times, including when that responsibility shifts to a different individual.
(c) The SEMS program must provide that if an emergency occurs that creates an imminent risk or danger to the health or safety of an individual, the public, or to the environment (as specified in Sec. 250.1930(a)), the individual with the UWA is authorized to pursue the most effective action necessary in that individual's judgment for mitigating and abating the conditions or practices causing the emergency. [78 FR 20443, Apr. 5, 2013]