Your drilling prognosis must include a brief description of the procedures you will follow in drilling the well. This prognosis includes but is not limited to the following:
(a) Projected plans for coring at specified depths;
(b) Projected plans for logging;
(c) Planned safe drilling margin between proposed drilling fluid weights and estimated pore pressures. This safe drilling margin may be shown on the plot required by Sec. 250.413(g);
(d) Estimated depths to the top of significant marker formations;
(e) Estimated depths to significant porous and permeable zones containing fresh water, oil, gas, or abnormally pressured formation fluids;
(f) Estimated depths to major faults;
(g) Estimated depths of permafrost, if applicable;
(h) A list and description of all requests for using alternative procedures or departures from the requirements of this subpart in one place in the APD. You must explain how the alternative procedures afford an equal or greater degree of protection, safety, or performance, or why you need the departures; and
(i) Projected plans for well testing (refer to Sec. 250.460 for safety requirements).