Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 250  /  Sec. 250.421 What are the casing and cementing requirements by type of

The table in this section identifies specific design, setting, and cementing requirements for casing strings and liners. For the purposes of subpart D, the casing strings in order of normal installation are as follows: drive or structural, conductor, surface, intermediate, and production casings (including liners). The District Manager may approve or prescribe other casing and cementing requirements where appropriate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


(a) Drive or Structural..... Set by driving, If you drilled a

jetting, or portion of this

drilling to the hole, you must use

minimum depth as enough cement to

approved or fill the annular

prescribed by the space back to the

District Manager. mudline.(b) Conductor............... Design casing and Use enough cement to

select setting fill the calculated

depths based on annular space back

relevant to the mudline.

engineering and Verify annular fill

geologic factors. by observing cement

These factors returns. If you

include the cannot observe

presence or absence cement returns, use

of hydrocarbons, additional cement

potential hazards, to ensure fill-back

and water depths; to the mudline.

Set casing For drilling on an

immediately before artificial island

drilling into or when using a

formations known to well cellar, you

contain oil or gas. must discuss the

If you encounter cement fill level

oil or gas or with the District

unexpected Manager.

formation pressure

before the planned

casing point, you

must set casing

immediately.(c) Surface................. Design casing and Use enough cement to

select setting fill the calculated

depths based on annular space to at

relevant least 200 feet

engineering and inside the

geologic factors. conductor casing.

These factors When geologic

include the conditions such as

presence or absence near-surface

of hydrocarbons, fractures and

potential hazards, faulting exist, you

and water depths. must use enough

cement to fill the

calculated annular

space to the

mudline.(d) Intermediate............ Design casing and Use enough cement to

select setting cover and isolate

depth based on all hydrocarbon-

anticipated or bearing zones and

encountered isolate abnormal

geologic pressure intervals

characteristics or from normal

wellbore conditions. pressure intervals

in the well.

As a minimum, you

must cement the

annular space 500

feet above the

casing shoe and 500

feet above each

zone to be

isolated.(e) Production.............. Design casing and Use enough cement to

select setting cover or isolate

depth based on all hydrocarbon-

anticipated or bearing zones above

encountered the shoe.

geologic As a minimum, you

characteristics or must cement the

wellbore conditions. annular space at

least 500 feet

above the casing

shoe and 500 feet

above the uppermost


zone.(f) Liners.................. If you use a liner Same as cementing

as conductor or requirements for

surface casing, you specific casing

must set the top of types. For example,

the liner at least a liner used as

200 feet above the intermediate casing

previous casing/ must be cemented

liner shoe. according to the

If you use a liner cementing

as an intermediate requirements for

string below a intermediate

surface string or casing.

production casing

below an


string, you must

set the top of the

liner at least 100

feet above the

previous casing
