When you drill with a subsea BOP system, you must install the BOP system before drilling below the surface casing. The District Manager may require you to install a subsea BOP system before drilling below the conductor casing if proposed casing setting depths or local geology indicate the need. The table in this paragraph outlines your requirements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------When drilling with a subsea BOP system,
(a) Have at least four remote- You must have at least one
controlled, hydraulically operated annular BOP, two BOPs equipped
BOPs. with pipe rams, and one BOP
equipped with blind-shear
rams. The blind-shear rams
must be capable of shearing
any drill pipe (including
workstring and tubing) in the
hole under maximum anticipated
surface pressures.(b) Have an operable dual-pod control
system to ensure proper and
independent operation of the BOP
system.(c) Have an accumulator system to The accumulator system must
provide fast closure of the BOP meet or exceed the provisions
components and to operate all critical of Section 13.3, Accumulator
functions in case of a loss of the Volumetric Capacity, in API RP
power fluid connection to the surface. 53, Recommended Practices for
Blowout Prevention Equipment
Systems for Drilling Wells (as
incorporated by reference in
Sec. 250.198). The District
Manager may approve a suitable
alternate method.(d) Have a subsea BOP stack equipped At a minimum, the ROV must be
with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) capable of closing one set of
intervention capability. pipe rams, closing one set of
blind-shear rams and
unlatching the LMRP.(e) Maintain an ROV and have a trained The crew must be trained in the
ROV crew on each drilling rig on a operation of the ROV. The
continuous basis once BOP deployment training must include
has been initiated from the rig until simulator training on stabbing
recovered to the surface. The crew into an ROV intervention panel
must examine all ROV related well- on a subsea BOP stack.
control equipment (both surface and
subsea) to ensure that it is properly
maintained and capable of shutting in
the well during emergency operations.(f) Provide autoshear and deadman (1) Autoshear system means a
systems for dynamically positioned safety system that is designed
rigs. to automatically shut in the
wellbore in the event of a
disconnect of the LMRP. When
the autoshear is armed, a
disconnect of the LMRP closes,
at a minimum, one set of blind-
shear rams. This is considered
a ``rapid discharge'' system.
(2) Deadman System means a
safety system that is designed
to automatically close, at a
minimum, one set of blind-
shear rams in the event of a
simultaneous absence of
hydraulic supply and signal
transmission capacity in both
subsea control pods. This is
considered a ``rapid
discharge'' system.
(3) You may also have an
acoustic system as a secondary
control system. If you intend
to install an acoustic control
system, you must demonstrate
to BSEE as part of the
information submitted under
Sec. 250.416 that the
acoustic system will function
in the proposed environment
and conditions.(g) Have operational or physical Incorporate enable buttons on
barrier(s) on BOP control panels to control panels to ensure two-
prevent accidental disconnect handed operation for all
functions. critical functions.(h) Clearly label all control panels Label other BOP control panels
for the subsea BOP system. such as hydraulic control
(i) Develop and use a management system The management system must
for operating the BOP system, include written procedures for
including the prevention of accidental operating the BOP stack and
or unplanned disconnects of the system. LMRP (including proper
techniques to prevent
accidental disconnection of
these components) and minimum
knowledge requirements for
personnel authorized to
operate and maintain BOP
components.(j) Establish minimum requirements for Personnel must have:
personnel authorized to operate
critical BOP equipment.
(1) Training in deepwater well
control theory and practice
according to the requirements
of 30 CFR 250, subpart O; and
(2) A comprehensive knowledge
of BOP hardware and control
systems.(k) Before removing the marine riser, You must maintain sufficient
displace the fluid in the riser with hydrostatic pressure or take
seawater. other suitable precautions to
compensate for the reduction
in pressure and to maintain a
safe and controlled well
condition.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50893, Aug. 22, 2012]