All BOP systems must include the following associated systems and related equipment:
(a) An automatic backup to the primary accumulator-charging system. The power source must be independent from the power source for the primary accumulator-charging system. The independent power source must possess sufficient capability to close and hold closed all BOP components.
(b) At least two BOP control stations. One station must be on the drilling floor. You must locate the other station in a readily accessible location away from the drilling floor.
(c) Side outlets on the BOP stack for separate kill and choke lines. If your stack does not have side outlets, you must install a drilling spool with side outlets.
(d) A choke and a kill line on the BOP stack. You must equip each line with two full-opening valves, one of which must be remote-controlled. For a subsea BOP system, both valves in each line must be remote-controlled. In addition:
(1) You must install the choke line above the bottom ram;
(2) You may install the kill line below the bottom ram; and
(3) For a surface BOP system, on the kill line you may install a check valve and a manual valve instead of the remote-controlled valve. To use this configuration, both manual valves must be readily accessible and you must install the check valve between the manual valves and the pump.
(e) A fill-up line above the uppermost BOP.
(f) Locking devices installed on the ram-type BOPs.
(g) A wellhead assembly with a rated working pressure that exceeds the maximum anticipated wellhead pressure. [76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50893, Aug. 22, 2012]