For this subpart, BSEE classifies a well as vertical if the calculated average of inclination readings does not exceed 3 degrees from the vertical.
(a) Survey requirements for a vertical well. (1) You must conduct inclination surveys on each vertical well and record the results. Survey intervals may not exceed 1,000 feet during the normal course of drilling;
(1) You must conduct inclination surveys on each vertical well and record the results. Survey intervals may not exceed 1,000 feet during the normal course of drilling;
(2) You must also conduct a directional survey that provides both inclination and azimuth, and digitally record the results in electronic format:
(i) Within 500 feet of setting surface or intermediate casing;
(ii) Within 500 feet of setting any liner; and
(iii) When you reach total depth.
(b) Survey requirements for directional well. You must conduct directional surveys on each directional well and digitally record the results. Surveys must give both inclination and azimuth at intervals not to exceed 500 feet during the normal course of drilling. Intervals during angle-changing portions of the hole may not exceed 100 feet.
(c) Measurement while drilling. You may use measurement-while-drilling technology if it meets the requirements of this section.
(d) Composite survey requirements. (1) Your composite directional survey must show the interval from the bottom of the conductor casing to total depth. In the absence of conductor casing, the survey must show the interval from the bottom of the drive or structural casing to total depth; and
(1) Your composite directional survey must show the interval from the bottom of the conductor casing to total depth. In the absence of conductor casing, the survey must show the interval from the bottom of the drive or structural casing to total depth; and
(2) You must correct all surveys to Universal-Transverse-Mercator-Grid-north or Lambert-Grid-north after making the magnetic-to-true-north correction. Surveys must show the magnetic and grid corrections used and include a listing of the directionally computed inclinations and azimuths.
(e) If you drill within 500 feet of an adjacent lease, the Regional Supervisor may require you to furnish a copy of the well's directional survey to the affected leaseholder. This could occur when the adjoining leaseholder requests a copy of the survey for the protection of correlative rights.