Casing diagnostic testing must be repeated according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
you must repeat diagnostic
(a) your casing pressure request approved immediately.
term has expired,(b) your well, previously on gas lift, has immediately on the
been shut-in or returned to flowing production casing (A
status without gas lift for more than 180 annulus). The production
days, casing (A annulus) of wells
on active gas lift are
exempt from diagnostic
testing.(c) your casing pressure request becomes within 30 days.
invalid,(d) a casing or riser has an increase in within 30 days.
pressure greater than 200 psig over the
previous casing diagnostic test,(e) after any corrective action has been within 30 days.
taken to remediate undesirable casing
pressure, either as a result of a casing
pressure request denial or any other
action,(f) your fixed platform well production once per year, not to exceed
casing (A annulus) has pressure exceeding 12 months between tests.
10 percent of its minimum internal yield
pressure (MIYP), except for production
casings on active gas lift,(g) your fixed platform well's outer once every 5 years, at a
casing (B, C, D, etc., annuli) has a minimum.
pressure exceeding 20 percent of its
MIYP,------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011. Redesignated at 77 FR 50894, Aug. 22, 2012]