(a) You must design, fabricate, install, use, maintain, inspect, and assess all platforms and related structures on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) so as to ensure their structural integrity for the safe conduct of drilling, workover, and production operations. In doing this, you must consider the specific environmental conditions at the platform location.
(b) You must also submit an application under Sec. 250.905 of this subpart and obtain the approval of the Regional Supervisor before performing any of the activities described in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Activity requiring application and Conditions for conducting the
(1) Install a platform. This includes (i) You must adhere to the
placing a newly constructed platform requirements of this subpart,
at a location or moving an existing including the industry
platform to a new site. standards in Sec. 250.901.
(ii) If you are installing a
floating platform, you must
also adhere to U.S. Coast
Guard (USCG) regulations for
the fabrication, installation,
and inspection of floating OCS
(i) You must adhere to the
This includes any structural changes requirements of this subpart,
that materially alter the approved including the industry
plan or cause a major deviation from standards in Sec. 250.901.
approved operations and any (ii) Before you make a major
modification that increases loading on modification to a floating
a platform by 10 percent or more. platform, you must obtain
approval from both the BSEE
and the USCG for the
modification.(3) Major repair of damage to any (i) You must adhere to the
platform. This includes any corrective requirements of this subpart,
operations involving structural including the industry
members affecting the structural standards in Sec. 250.901.
integrity of a portion or all of the (ii) Before you make a major
platform. repair to a floating platform,
you must obtain approval from
both the BSEE and the USCG for
the repair.(4) Convert an existing platform at the (i) The Regional Supervisor
current location for a new purpose. will determine on a case-by-
case basis the requirements
for an application for
conversion of an existing
platform at the current
(ii) At a minimum, your
application must include: the
converted platform's intended
use; and a demonstration of
the adequacy of the design and
structural condition of the
converted platform.
(iii) If a floating platform,
you must also adhere to USCG
regulations for the
fabrication, installation, and
inspection of floating OCS
(5) Convert an existing mobile offshore (i) The Regional Supervisor
drilling unit (MODU) for a new purpose. will determine on a case-by-
case basis the requirements
for an application for
conversion of an existing
(ii) At a minimum, your
application must include: the
converted MODU's intended
location and use; a
demonstration of the adequacy
of the design and structural
condition of the converted
MODU; and a demonstration that
the level of safety for the
converted MODU is at least
equal to that of re-used
(iii) You must also adhere to
USCG regulations for the
fabrication, installation, and
inspection of floating OCS
(c) Under emergency conditions, you may make repairs to primary structural elements to restore an existing permitted condition without submitting an application or receiving prior BSEE approval for up to 120-calendar days following an event. You must notify the Regional Supervisor of the damage that occurred within 24 hours of its discovery, and you must provide a written completion report to the Regional Supervisor of the repairs that were made within 1 week after completing the repairs. If you make emergency repairs on a floating platform, you must also notify the USCG.
(d) You must determine if your new platform or major modification to an existing platform is subject to the Platform Verification Program (PVP). Section 250.910 of this subpart fully describes the facilities that are subject to the PVP. If you determine that your platform is subject to the PVP, you must follow the requirements of Sec. Sec. 250.909 through 250.918 of this subpart.
(e) You must submit notification of the platform installation date and the final as-built location data to the Regional Supervisor within 45-calendar days of completion of platform installation.
(1) For platforms not subject to the Platform Verification Program (PVP), BSEE will cancel the approved platform application 1 year after the approval has been granted if the platform has not been installed. If BSEE cancels the approval, you must resubmit your platform application and receive BSEE approval if you still plan to install the platform.
(2) For platforms subject to the PVP, cancellation of an approval will be on an individual platform basis. For these platforms, BSEE will identify the date when the installation approval will be cancelled (if installation has not occurred) during the application and approval process. If BSEE cancels your installation approval, you must resubmit your platform application and receive BSEE approval if you still plan to install the platform.