The procedural provisions applicable to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. These procedures may be found at 34 CFR 100.6-100.11 and 34 CFR, part 101. (Authority: Secs. 901, 902, Education Amendments of 1972, 86 Stat. 373, 374; 20 U.S.C. 1681, 1682)
Sec. Subject Index to Title IX Preamble and Regulation \1\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\1\ Preamble paragraph numbers are in brackets [ ].---------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Access to Course Offerings [43, 55, 56, 57, 58]; 106.34Access to Schools Operated by LEA's, [44]; 106.35Admissions, [5, 6, 30]; 106.15, 106.21
Affirmative and remedial action, [16, 17, 24]; 106.3(a); (b)
Administratively separate units, [30]; 106.15(b) 106.2(o)
Educational Institutions, [30], 106.15(d), 106.2(n)
General, 106.21(a), 106.2(p),
Prohibitions relating to marital and parental status, [32, 36]; 106.21(c)
Professional schools, [30], 106.2(m)
Public institutions of undergraduate higher education, 106.15(e)
Recruitment, [34, 35]; 106.23
Specific prohibitions, 106.21(b)
Tests, [31]; 106.21(b) (2)
Preference in admission, [35]; 106.22Advertising, 106.59Affirmative Action, see ``Remedial and Affirmative Actions''Assistance to ``outside'' discriminatory organizations, [40, 53];
106.31(b) (7), (c)Assurances, [18]; 106.4
Duration of obligation, 106.4(b)
Form, 106.4(c)Athletics, [69 to 78]; 106.41
Adjustment period, [78]; 106.41(d)
Contact sport defined, 106.41(d)
Equal opportunity, [76, 77]; 106.41(d)
Determining factors, 106.41(c) (i) to (x)
Equipment, 106.41(c)
Expenditures, 106.41(c)
Facilities, 106.41(c)
Travel, 106.41(c)
Scholarships, [64, 65]; 106.37(d)
General, [69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]; 106.41(a)
Separate teams, [75]; 106.41(b)
B BFOQ, [96]; 106.61
C Comparable facilities
Housing, [42, 54]; 106.32
Other, 106.33, 106.35(b)Compensation, [84, 87, 92]; 106.54Counseling
Disproportionate classes, [45, 59]; 106.36(c)
General, [45, 59]; 106.36(a)
Materials, [45, 59]; 106.36(b)Course Offerings
Adjustment period, [55]; 106.34(a) (i)
General, [7, 43]; 106.34
Music classes, [43]; 106.34(f)
Physical education, [43, 56, 58];
Sex education, [43, 57]; 106.34(e)Coverage, [5]; 106.11 to 106.17
ExemptionsCurricular materials, [52]; 106.42(a)
D Definitions, [14, 15]; 106.2 (a) to (r)Designation of responsible employee, [20, 22]; 106.8(a), (b)Dissemination of policy, [21]; 106.9
Distribution, 106.9(c)
Notification of policy, [21]; 106.9(a)
Publications, 106.9(b)Dress codes 106.31(b) (4)
E Education Institutions
Controlled by religious organizations, 106.12
Application, [28, 29]; 106.12(a)
Exemption, [26]; 106.12(b)Education Program and Activities
Benefiting from Federal financial assistance, [10, 11]; 106.11
General, [10, 11, 53]; 106.31(a)
Programs not operated by recipient, [41, 54]; 106.31(c)
Specific prohibitions, [38, 39, 40, 53]; 106.31 (b)Effective Date, [3]
Employee responsible for Title IX, see ``Designation of Responsible Employee''Employment
Advertising, 106.59
Application, 106.51(b)
Compensation, [84, 92]; 106.54
Employment criteria, 106.52
Fringe benefits, [88, 89]; 106.56
General, [81, 82, 87]; 106.51
Job Classification and Structure, 106.55
Marital and Parental Status, 106.57
Pregnancy, [85, 93]; 106.57(b)
Pregnancy as Temporary Disability, [85, 93]; 106.57(c)
Pregnancy Leave, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(d)Pre-Employment Inquiry
Recruitment, [83, 90, 91, 95]
Sex as a BFOQ, [96]; 106.61
Student Employment, [66]; 106.38
Tenure, 106.51(b) (2)Exemptions, [5, 27, 28, 29, 30, 53]; 106.12(b), 106.13, 106.14,
106.15(a), 106.15(d), 106.16
F Federal Financial Assistance, 106.2(a)Financial Assistance to students, [46, 60, 61]; 106.37
Athletic Scholarships, [46, 64, 65]; 106.37(d)
Foreign institutions, study at [63]; 106.31(c)
General, 106.37
Non-need scholarships, [62]; 106.37(b)
Pooling of sex-restrictive, [46, 61, 62]; 106.37(b)
Sex-restrictive assistance through foreign or domestic wills [46, 61, 62]; 106.37(b)Foreign Scholarships, see ``Financial assistance'' 106.37 and
``Assistance to `outside' discriminatory organizations'',
Social, [53, 27, 28]; 106.14(a)
Business/professional, [40, 53, 27, 28]; 106.31 (b) (7)
Honor societies, [40, 53]; 106.31(b) (7)Fringe benefits, [67, 88, 89]; 106.56, 106.39
Part-time employees, [89]
G Grievance Procedure, see ``Designation of responsible employee'',
106.8(a), (b)
H Health and Insurance Benefits and Services, [67, 88, 93]; 106.39, 106.56Honor societies, [40, 53]; 106.31(b) (7)Housing, 106.32
Generally, [42]; 106.32(b)
Provided by recipient, 106.32(b)
Other housing, [54]; 106.32(c)
J Job Classification and Structure, 106.55
L LEA's, [44]; 106.35
M Marital and Parental Status
General, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57
Pregnancy, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(b)
Pregnancy as a temporary disability, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(c)
Pregnancy leave, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(d)
General, [49]; 106.40(a), (b)
Pregnancy and related conditions, [50]; 106.40(b) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Class participation, [50]; 106.40(b) (1)
Physician certification, [50]; 106.40(b) (2)
Special classes, [50]; 106.40(b) (3)
Temporary leave, [50]; 106.40(b) (4), (5)Membership Practices of Social fraternities and sororities, [27, 28,
53]; 106.14(a)
Voluntary youth service organizations, [27, 28, 53]; 106.14(c)
YMCA, YWCA and others, [27, 28, 53]; 106.14(b)Military and Merchant Marine Educational Institutions, [29]; 106.13
P Pooling, see ``Financial Assistance'', 106.37Pre-employment Inquiries
Marital status, [86, 95]; 106.60(a)
Sex, 106.60(b)Preference in Admissions, [35]; 106.22
See also ``Remedial and Affirmative Action''Pregnancy, Employment
General, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57
Pregnancy, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(b)
Pregnancy as temporary disability, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(c)
Pregnancy leave, [85, 93, 94]; 106.57(d)
General, [49, 50]; 106.40 (a) and (b)
Pregnancy and related conditions; [50]; 106.40(b) (1) to (5)
Class Participation, [50, 55, 58]; 106.40(b) (1)
Physical certification, [50]; 106.40(b) (2)
Special class, [50]; 106.40 (b) (3)
Temporary leave, [50]; 106.40(b) (4), (5)Private Undergraduate Professional Schools, [30]; 106.15(d)Purpose of Regulation, [13]; 106.1
R Real Property, 106.2(g)Recruitment
Nondiscrimination, [83, 91]; 106.53(a)
Patterns, 106.53(b)Student
Nondiscrimination, [34, 35]; 106.23(a)
Recruitment at certain institutions, 106.23 (b)Religious Organizations
Application, [29, 28]; 106.12(a)
Exemption, [26]; 106.12(b)Remedial and Affirmative Actions, [16, 17, 24]; 106.3
S Scholarships, see ``Financial Assistance'', 106.37Self-evaluation, [16, 22]; 106.3(c), (d)Surplus Property (see Transfer of Property 106.5)
Duration of obligation 106.4(b)
Real Property 106.4(b) (1)
T Textbooks and curricular materials, [52, 79, 80]; 106.42Termination of funds, [10, 11]Transfer of property, 106.5Transition Plans
Content of plans, 106.17(b)
Different from Adjustment period, [78]; 106.41(d)Submission of plans, 106.17(a)
Sec. Appendix A to Part 106--Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination
and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin,
Sex, and Handicap in Vocational Education Programs
Editorial Note: For the text of these guidelines, see 34 CFR part 100, appendix B. [44 FR 17168, Mar. 21, 1979]