(a) Before identifying a school for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring, an LEA must provide the school with an opportunity to review the school-level data, including academic assessment data, on which the proposed identification is based.
(b)(1) If the principal of a school that an LEA proposes to identify for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring believes, or a majority of the parents of the students enrolled in the school believe, that the proposed identification is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, the principal may provide supporting evidence to the LEA.
(1) If the principal of a school that an LEA proposes to identify for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring believes, or a majority of the parents of the students enrolled in the school believe, that the proposed identification is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, the principal may provide supporting evidence to the LEA.
(2) The LEA must consider the evidence referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of this section before making a final determination.
(c) The LEA must make public a final determination of the status of the school with respect to identification not later than 30 days after it provides the school with the opportunity to review the data on which the proposed identification is based. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0581) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6316(b)(2)) [67 FR 71721, Dec. 2, 2002]