(a) If an LEA identifies a school for improvement or subjects the school to corrective action or restructuring, the LEA must, consistent with the requirements of Sec. 200.36, promptly notify the parent or parents of each child enrolled in the school of this identification.
(b) The notice referred to in paragraph (a) of this section must include the following:
(1) An explanation of what the identification means, and how the school compares in terms of academic achievement to other elementary and secondary schools served by the LEA and the SEA involved.
(2) The reasons for the identification.
(3) An explanation of how parents can become involved in addressing the academic issues that led to identification.
(4)(i) An explanation of the parents' option to transfer their child to another public school, including the provision of transportation to the new school, in accordance with Sec. 200.44.
(i) An explanation of the parents' option to transfer their child to another public school, including the provision of transportation to the new school, in accordance with Sec. 200.44.
(ii) The explanation of the parents' option to transfer must include, at a minimum, information on the academic achievement of the school or schools to which the child may transfer.
(iii) The explanation may include other information on the school or schools to which the child may transfer, such as--
(A) A description of any special academic programs or facilities;
(B) The availability of before- and after-school programs;
(C) The professional qualifications of teachers in the core academic subjects; and
(D) A description of parental involvement opportunities.
(iv) The explanation of the available school choices must be made sufficiently in advance of, but no later than 14 calendar days before, the start of the school year so that parents have adequate time to exercise their choice option before the school year begins.
(5)(i) If the school is in its second year of improvement or subject to corrective action or restructuring, a notice explaining how parents can obtain supplemental educational services for their child in accordance with Sec. 200.45.
(i) If the school is in its second year of improvement or subject to corrective action or restructuring, a notice explaining how parents can obtain supplemental educational services for their child in accordance with Sec. 200.45.
(ii) The annual notice of the availability of supplemental educational services must include, at a minimum, the following:
(A) The identity of approved providers of those services available within the LEA, including providers of technology-based or distance-learning supplemental educational services, and providers that make services reasonably available in neighboring LEAs.
(B) A brief description of the services, qualifications, and demonstrated effectiveness of the providers referred to in paragraph (b)(5)(ii)(A) of this section, including an indication of those providers who are able to serve students with disabilities or limited English proficient students.
(C) An explanation of the benefits of receiving supplemental educational services.
(iii) The annual notice of the availability of supplemental educational services must be--
(A) Clear and concise; and
(B) Clearly distinguishable from the other information sent to parents under this section. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0581) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6316) [67 FR 71721, Dec. 2, 2002, as amended at 73 FR 64510, Oct. 29, 2008]