(a) State review. (1) An SEA must annually review the progress of each LEA in its State that receives funds under subpart A of this part to determine whether--
(1) An SEA must annually review the progress of each LEA in its State that receives funds under subpart A of this part to determine whether--
(i) The LEA's schools served under this part are making AYP, as defined under Sec. Sec. 200.13 through 200.20, toward meeting the State's student academic achievement standards; and
(ii) The LEA is carrying out its responsibilities under this part with respect to school improvement, technical assistance, parental involvement, and professional development.
(2) In reviewing the progress of an LEA, the SEA may, in the case of targeted assistance schools served by the LEA, consider the progress only of the students served or eligible for services under this subpart, provided the students selected for services in such schools are those with the greatest need for special assistance, consistent with the requirements of section 1115 of the ESEA.
(b) Rewards. If an LEA has exceeded AYP as defined under Sec. Sec. 200.13 through 200.20 for two consecutive years, the SEA may--
(1) Reserve funds in accordance with Sec. 200.100(c); and
(2) Make rewards of the kinds described under section 1117 of the ESEA.
(c) Opportunity for review of LEA-level data. (1) Before identifying an LEA for improvement or corrective action, the SEA must provide the LEA with an opportunity to review the data, including academic assessment data, on which the SEA has based the proposed identification.
(1) Before identifying an LEA for improvement or corrective action, the SEA must provide the LEA with an opportunity to review the data, including academic assessment data, on which the SEA has based the proposed identification.
(2)(i) If the LEA believes that the proposed identification is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, the LEA may provide supporting evidence to the SEA.
(i) If the LEA believes that the proposed identification is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, the LEA may provide supporting evidence to the SEA.
(ii) The SEA must consider the evidence before making a final determination not later than 30 days after it has provided the LEA with the opportunity to review the data under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(d) Identification for improvement. (1)(i) The SEA must identify for improvement an LEA that, for two consecutive years, including the period immediately before January 8, 2002, fails to make AYP as defined in the SEA's plan under section 1111(b)(2) of the ESEA.
(1)(i) The SEA must identify for improvement an LEA that, for two consecutive years, including the period immediately before January 8, 2002, fails to make AYP as defined in the SEA's plan under section 1111(b)(2) of the ESEA.
(i) The SEA must identify for improvement an LEA that, for two consecutive years, including the period immediately before January 8, 2002, fails to make AYP as defined in the SEA's plan under section 1111(b)(2) of the ESEA.
(ii) In identifying LEAs for improvement, an SEA--
(A) May base identification on whether an LEA did not make AYP because it did not meet the annual measurable objectives for the same subject or meet the same other academic indicator for two consecutive years; but
(B) May not limit identification to those LEAs that did not make AYP only because they did not meet the annual measurable objectives for the same subject or meet the same other academic indicator for the same subgroup under Sec. 200.13(b)(7)(ii) for two consecutive years.
(2) The SEA must identify for improvement an LEA that was in improvement status on January 7, 2002.
(3)(i) The SEA may identify an LEA for improvement if, on the basis of assessments the LEA administers during the 2001-2002 school year, the LEA fails to make AYP for a second consecutive year.
(i) The SEA may identify an LEA for improvement if, on the basis of assessments the LEA administers during the 2001-2002 school year, the LEA fails to make AYP for a second consecutive year.
(ii) An SEA that does not identify such an LEA for improvement, however, must count the 2001-2002 school year as the first year of not making AYP for the purpose of subsequent identification decisions under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(4) The SEA may remove an LEA from improvement status if, on the basis of assessments the LEA administers during the 2001-2002 school year, the LEA makes AYP for a second consecutive year.
(e) Identification for corrective action. After providing technical assistance under Sec. 200.52(b), the SEA--
(1) May take corrective action at any time with respect to an LEA that the SEA has identified for improvement under paragraph (d) of this section;
(2) Must take corrective action--
(i) With respect to an LEA that fails to make AYP, as defined under Sec. Sec. 200.13 through 200.20, by the end of the second full school year following the year in which the LEA administered the assessments that resulted in the LEA's failure to make AYP for a second consecutive year and led to the SEA's identification of the LEA for improvement under paragraph (d) of this section; and
(ii) With respect to an LEA that was in corrective action status on January 7, 2002; and
(3) May remove an LEA from corrective action if, on the basis of assessments administered by the LEA during the 2001-2002 school year, it makes AYP for a second consecutive year.
(f) Delay of corrective action. (1) The SEA may delay implementation of corrective action under Sec. 200.53 for a period not to exceed one year if--
(1) The SEA may delay implementation of corrective action under Sec. 200.53 for a period not to exceed one year if--
(i) The LEA makes AYP for one year; or
(ii) The LEA's failure to make AYP is due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, such as a natural disaster or a precipitous and unforeseen decline in the LEA's financial resources.
(2)(i) The SEA may not take into account the period of delay referred to in paragraph (f)(1) of this section in determining the number of consecutive years the LEA has failed to make AYP; and
(i) The SEA may not take into account the period of delay referred to in paragraph (f)(1) of this section in determining the number of consecutive years the LEA has failed to make AYP; and
(ii) The SEA must subject the LEA to further actions following the period of delay as if the delay never occurred.
(g) Continuation of public school choice and supplemental educational services. An SEA must ensure that an LEA identified under paragraph (d) or (e) of this section continues to offer public school choice in accordance with Sec. 200.44 and supplemental educational services in accordance with Sec. 200.45.
(h) Removal from improvement or corrective action status. If an LEA makes AYP for two consecutive years following identification for improvement under paragraph (d) or corrective action under paragraph (e) of this section, the SEA need no longer--
(1) Identify the LEA for improvement; or
(2) Subject the LEA to corrective action for the succeeding school year. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0581) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6316(c)) [67 FR 71727, Dec. 2, 2002, as amended at 73 FR 64512, Oct. 29, 2008]