(a) Statistically reliable information. (1) A State may not use disaggregated data for one or more subgroups under Sec. 200.2(b)(10) to report achievement results under section 1111(h) of the Act or to identify schools in need of improvement, corrective action, or restructuring under section 1116 of the Act if the number of students in those subgroups is insufficient to yield statistically reliable information.
(1) A State may not use disaggregated data for one or more subgroups under Sec. 200.2(b)(10) to report achievement results under section 1111(h) of the Act or to identify schools in need of improvement, corrective action, or restructuring under section 1116 of the Act if the number of students in those subgroups is insufficient to yield statistically reliable information.
(2)(i) Based on sound statistical methodology, each State must determine the minimum number of students sufficient to--
(i) Based on sound statistical methodology, each State must determine the minimum number of students sufficient to--
(A) Yield statistically reliable information for each purpose for which disaggregated data are used; and
(B) Ensure that, to the maximum extent practicable, all student subgroups in Sec. 200.13(b)(7)(ii) (economically disadvantaged students; students from major racial and ethnic groups; students with disabilities as defined in section 9101(5) of the Act; and students with limited English proficiency as defined in section 9101(25) of the Act) are included, particularly at the school level, for purposes of making accountability determinations.
(ii) Each State must revise its Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook under section 1111 of the Act to include--
(A) An explanation of how the State's minimum group size meets the requirements of paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section;
(B) An explanation of how other components of the State's definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP), in addition to the State's minimum group size, interact to affect the statistical reliability of the data and to ensure the maximum inclusion of all students and student subgroups in Sec. 200.13(b)(7)(ii); and
(C) Information regarding the number and percentage of students and student subgroups in Sec. 200.13(b)(7)(ii) excluded from school-level accountability determinations.
(iii) Each State must submit a revised Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section to the Department for technical assistance and peer review under the process established by the Secretary under section 1111(e)(2) of the Act in time for any changes to be in effect for AYP determinations based on school year 2009-2010 assessment results.
(iv) Beginning with AYP decisions that are based on the assessments administered in the 2007-08 school year, a State may not establish a different minimum number of students under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section for separate subgroups under Sec. 200.13(b)(7)(ii) or for the school as a whole.
(b) Personally identifiable information. (1) A State may not use disaggregated data for one or more subgroups under Sec. 200.2(b)(10) to report achievement results under section 1111(h) of the Act if the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student.
(1) A State may not use disaggregated data for one or more subgroups under Sec. 200.2(b)(10) to report achievement results under section 1111(h) of the Act if the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student.
(2) To determine whether disaggregated results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student, a State must apply the requirements under section 444(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974).
(3) Nothing in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section shall be construed to abrogate the responsibility of States to implement the requirements of section 1116(a) of the Act for determining whether States, LEAs, and schools are making AYP on the basis of the performance of each subgroup under section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the Act.
(4) Each State shall include in its State plan, and each State and LEA shall implement, appropriate strategies to protect the privacy of individual students in reporting achievement results under section 1111(h) of the Act and in determining whether schools and LEAs are making AYP on the basis of disaggregated subgroups.
(c) Inclusion of subgroups in assessments. If a subgroup under Sec. 200.2(b)(10) is not of sufficient size to produce statistically reliable results, the State must still include students in that subgroup in its State assessments under Sec. 200.2.
(d) Disaggregation at the LEA and State. If the number of students in a subgroup is not statistically reliable at the school level, the State must include those students in disaggregations at each level for which the number of students is statistically reliable--e.g., the LEA or State level. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0576) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(3); 1232g) [67 FR 45042, July 5, 2002, as amended at 67 FR 71715, Dec. 2, 2002; 72 FR 17779, Apr. 9, 2007; 73 FR 64507, Oct. 29, 2008; 73 FR 78636, Dec. 23, 2008]