The following provisions govern amendments and other changes to grant work plans and budgets after the work plan is negotiated and a grant awarded.
(a) Changes requiring prior approval. Recipients may make significant changes in work plan commitments only after obtaining the Regional Administrator's prior written approval. EPA, in consultation with the recipient, will document these revisions including budgeted amounts associated with the revisions.
(b) Changes requiring approval. Recipients must request, in writing, grant amendments for changes requiring increases in environmental program grant amounts and extensions of the funding period. Recipients may begin implementing a change before the amendment has been approved by EPA, but do so at their own risk. If EPA approves the change, EPA will issue a grant amendment. EPA will notify the recipient in writing if the change is disapproved.
(c) Changes not requiring approval. Other than those situations described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, recipients do not need to obtain approval for changes, including changes in grant work plans, budgets, or other components of grant agreements, unless the Regional Administrator determines approval requirements should be imposed on a specific recipient for a specified period of time.
(d) OMB cost principles. The Regional Administrator may waive in writing approval requirements for specific recipients and costs contained in OMB cost principles.
(e) Changes in consolidated grants. Recipients of consolidated grants under Sec. 35.109 may not transfer funds among environmental programs.
(f) Subgrants. Subgrantees must request required approvals in writing from the recipient and the recipient shall approve or disapprove the request in writing. A recipient will not approve any work plan or budget revision which is inconsistent with the purpose or terms and conditions of the federal grant to the recipient. If the revision requested by the subgrantee would result in a significant change to the recipient's approved grant which requires EPA approval, the recipient will obtain EPA's approval before approving the subgrantee's request. [66 FR 1734, Jan. 9, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]