Section 35.001
Purpose of the subpart |
Section 35.100
Environmental programs covered by the subpart |
Section 35.101
Definitions of terms |
Section 35.102
Components of a complete application |
Section 35.104
Time frame for submitting an application |
Section 35.105
Work plans |
Section 35.107
Funding period |
Section 35.108
Consolidated grants |
Section 35.109
Time frame for EPA action |
Section 35.110
Criteria for approving an application |
Section 35.111
Factors considered in determining award amount |
Section 35.112
Reimbursement for pre-award costs |
Section 35.113
Amendments and other changes |
Section 35.114
Evaluation of performance |
Section 35.115
Direct implementation |
Section 35.116
Unused funds |
Section 35.117
Unexpended balances |
Section 35.118
Purpose of Performance Partnership Grants |
Section 35.130
Requirements summary |
Section 35.132
Programs eligible for inclusion |
Section 35.133
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.134
Activities eligible for funding |
Section 35.135
Cost share requirements |
Section 35.136
Application requirements |
Section 35.137
Competitive grants |
Section 35.138
Purpose |
Section 35.140
Definitions |
Section 35.141
Allotment |
Section 35.143
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.145
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.146
Minimum cost share for a Performance Partnership Grant |
Section 35.147
Award limitations |
Section 35.148
Purpose |
Section 35.160
Definition |
Section 35.161
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.162
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.165
Award limitations |
Section 35.168
Purpose |
Section 35.170
Allotment |
Section 35.172
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.175
Award limitations |
Section 35.178
Purpose |
Section 35.190
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.192
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.195
Award limitation |
Section 35.198
Purpose |
Section 35.210
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.212
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.215
Award limitation |
Section 35.218
Purpose |
Section 35.230
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.232
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.235
Purpose |
Section 35.240
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.242
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.245
Purpose |
Section 35.250
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.251
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.252
Purpose |
Section 35.260
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.265
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.266
Award limitations |
Section 35.268
Purpose |
Section 35.270
Funding coordination |
Section 35.272
Purpose |
Section 35.290
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.292
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.295
Award limitations |
Section 35.298
Purpose |
Section 35.310
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.312
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.315
Award limitation |
Section 35.318
Purpose |
Section 35.330
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.332
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.335
Purpose |
Section 35.340
Competitive process |
Section 35.342
Definitions |
Section 35.343
Eligible applicants |
Section 35.345
Award limitation |
Section 35.348
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.349
Purpose |
Section 35.360
Competitive process |
Section 35.362
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.364
Purpose |
Section 35.380
Competitive process |
Section 35.382
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.385
Purpose |
Section 35.400
Allotment |
Section 35.402
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.405
Award limitations |
Section 35.408
Purpose |
Section 35.410
Allotment |
Section 35.412
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.415
Award limitations |
Section 35.418
Purpose |
Section 35.419
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.420
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.421
Purpose of the subpart |
Section 35.500
Environmental programs covered by the subpart |
Section 35.501
Definitions of terms |
Section 35.502
Deviation from this subpart |
Section 35.503
Eligibility of an Intertribal Consortium |
Section 35.504
Components of a complete application |
Section 35.505
Time frame for submitting an application |
Section 35.506
Work plans |
Section 35.507
Funding period |
Section 35.508
Consolidated grants |
Section 35.509
Time frame for EPA action |
Section 35.510
Criteria for approving an application |
Section 35.511
Factors considered in determining award amount |
Section 35.512
Reimbursement for pre-award costs |
Section 35.513
Amendments and other changes |
Section 35.514
Evaluation of performance |
Section 35.515
Direct implementation |
Section 35.516
Unused funds |
Section 35.517
Unexpended balances |
Section 35.518
Purpose of Performance Partnership Grants |
Section 35.530
Requirements summary |
Section 35.532
Programs eligible for inclusion |
Section 35.533
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.534
Activities eligible for funding |
Section 35.535
Cost share requirements |
Section 35.536
Application requirements |
Section 35.537
Project period |
Section 35.538
Purpose |
Section 35.540
Definitions |
Section 35.542
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.543
Eligible activities |
Section 35.545
Award limitations |
Section 35.548
Purpose |
Section 35.570
Definitions |
Section 35.572
Eligible Tribe |
Section 35.573
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.575
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.576
Award limitation |
Section 35.578
Purpose |
Section 35.580
Definitions |
Section 35.582
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.583
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.585
Award limitations |
Section 35.588
Purpose |
Section 35.600
Competitive process |
Section 35.603
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.604
Purpose |
Section 35.610
Competitive process |
Section 35.613
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.615
Purpose |
Section 35.630
Definition |
Section 35.632
Eligibility requirements |
Section 35.633
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.635
Maintenance of effort |
Section 35.636
Award limitations |
Section 35.638
Purpose |
Section 35.640
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.641
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.642
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.645
Purpose |
Section 35.646
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.649
Purpose |
Section 35.650
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.653
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.655
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.659
Purpose |
Section 35.660
Competitive process |
Section 35.661
Definitions |
Section 35.662
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.663
Award limitation |
Section 35.668
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.669
Purpose |
Section 35.670
Definition |
Section 35.672
Annual amount reserved by EPA |
Section 35.673
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.675
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.676
Award limitations |
Section 35.678
Purpose |
Section 35.680
Definition |
Section 35.682
Annual amount reserved by EPA |
Section 35.683
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.685
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.686
Award limitations |
Section 35.688
Purpose |
Section 35.690
Funding coordination |
Section 35.691
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.693
Purpose |
Section 35.700
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.702
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.703
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.705
Award limitations |
Section 35.708
Purpose |
Section 35.710
Competitive process |
Section 35.712
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.713
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.715
Award limitation |
Section 35.718
Purpose |
Section 35.720
Competitive process |
Section 35.723
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.725
Purpose |
Section 35.730
Eligible recipients |
Section 35.731
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.732
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.735
Purpose |
Section 35.736
Basis for allotment |
Section 35.737
Maximum federal share |
Section 35.738
Purpose and policy |
Section 35.2000
Definitions |
Section 35.2005
Allotment; reallotment |
Section 35.2010
Capitalization grants |
Section 35.2012
State priority system and project priority list |
Section 35.2015
Reserves |
Section 35.2020
Reallotment of reserves |
Section 35.2021
Water quality management planning |
Section 35.2023
Combined sewer overflows |
Section 35.2024
Allowance and advance of allowance |
Section 35.2025
Facilities planning |
Section 35.2030
Innovative and alternative technologies |
Section 35.2032
Privately owned individual systems |
Section 35.2034
Rotating biological contractor (RBC) replacement grants |
Section 35.2035
Design/build project grants |
Section 35.2036
Grant application |
Section 35.2040
Review of grant applications |
Section 35.2042
Effect of approval or certification of documents |
Section 35.2050
Limitations on award |
Section 35.2100
Advanced treatment |
Section 35.2101
Water quality management planning |
Section 35.2102
Priority determination |
Section 35.2103
Funding and other considerations |
Section 35.2104
Debarment and suspension |
Section 35.2105
Plan of operation |
Section 35.2106
Intermunicipal service agreements |
Section 35.2107
Phased or segmented treatment works |
Section 35.2108
Step 2+3 |
Section 35.2109
Access to individual systems |
Section 35.2110
Revised water quality standards |
Section 35.2111
Marine discharge waiver applicants |
Section 35.2112
Environmental review |
Section 35.2113
Value engineering |
Section 35.2114
Collection system |
Section 35.2116
Preaward costs |
Section 35.2118
Infiltration/Inflow |
Section 35.2120
Approval of user charge system and proposed sewer use ordinance |
Section 35.2122
Reserve capacity |
Section 35.2123
Treatment of wastewater from industrial users |
Section 35.2125
Federal facilities |
Section 35.2127
Sewer use ordinance |
Section 35.2130
User charge system |
Section 35.2140
Federal share |
Section 35.2152
Grant conditions |
Section 35.2200
Step 2+3 projects |
Section 35.2202
Step 7 projects |
Section 35.2203
Project changes |
Section 35.2204
Maximum allowable project cost |
Section 35.2205
Operation and maintenance |
Section 35.2206
Adoption of sewer use ordinance and user charge system |
Section 35.2208
Land acquisition |
Section 35.2210
Field testing for Innovative and Alternative Technology Report |
Section 35.2211
Project initiation |
Section 35.2212
Grantee responsibilities |
Section 35.2214
Notice of building completion and final inspection |
Section 35.2216
Project performance |
Section 35.2218
Determination of allowable costs |
Section 35.2250
Advance purchase of eligible land |
Section 35.2260
Funding of field testing |
Section 35.2262
Grant payments |
Section 35.2300
Subagreement enforcement |
Section 35.2350
Purpose |
Section 35.3000
Policy |
Section 35.3005
Delegation agreement |
Section 35.3010
Extent of State responsibilities |
Section 35.3015
Certification procedures |
Section 35.3020
Overview of State performance under delegation |
Section 35.3025
Right of review of State decision |
Section 35.3030
Public participation |
Section 35.3035
Policy and purpose |
Section 35.3100
Definitions |
Section 35.3105
Fund establishment |
Section 35.3110
Eligible activities of the SRF |
Section 35.3115
Authorized types of assistance |
Section 35.3120
Limitations on SRF assistance |
Section 35.3125
The capitalization grant agreement |
Section 35.3130
Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements |
Section 35.3135
Environmental review requirements |
Section 35.3140
Application of other Federal authorities |
Section 35.3145
Intended Use Plan (IUP) |
Section 35.3150
Payments |
Section 35.3155
Cash draw rules |
Section 35.3160
Reports and audits |
Section 35.3165
Corrective action |
Section 35.3170
Purpose, policy, and applicability |
Section 35.3500
Definitions |
Section 35.3505
Establishment of the DWSRF program |
Section 35.3510
Allotment and withholdings of funds |
Section 35.3515
Systems, projects, and project-related costs eligible for assistance from the Fund |
Section 35.3520
Authorized types of assistance from the Fund |
Section 35.3525
Limitations on uses of the Fund |
Section 35.3530
Authorized set-aside activities |
Section 35.3535
Requirements for funding set-aside activities |
Section 35.3540
Capitalization grant agreement |
Section 35.3545
Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements |
Section 35.3550
Intended Use Plan (IUP) |
Section 35.3555
General payment and cash draw rules |
Section 35.3560
Specific cash draw rules for authorized types of assistance from the Fund |
Section 35.3565
Reports and audits |
Section 35.3570
Application of Federal cross-cutting authorities (cross-cutters) |
Section 35.3575
Environmental review requirements |
Section 35.3580
Compliance assurance procedures |
Section 35.3585
Authority |
Section 35.4000
What is a Technical Assistance Grant? |
Section 35.4005
What does this subpart do? |
Section 35.4010
Do the general grant regulations apply to TAGs? |
Section 35.4011
If there appears to be a difference between the requirements of 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500 and this subpart, |
Section 35.4012
Do certain words in this subpart have specific meaning? |
Section 35.4015
Is my community group eligible for a TAG? |
Section 35.4020
Is there any way my group can get a TAG if it is currently ineligible? |
Section 35.4025
Can I be part of a TAG group if I belong to an ineligible group? |
Section 35.4030
Does EPA use the same eligibility criteria for TAGs at ``Federal facility'' sites? |
Section 35.4035
How many groups can receive a TAG at one Superfund site? |
Section 35.4040
What requirements must my group meet as a TAG recipient? |
Section 35.4045
Must my group contribute toward the cost of a TAG? |
Section 35.4050
What if my group can't come up with the ``matching funds?'' |
Section 35.4055
How much money can my group receive through a TAG? |
Section 35.4060
How can my group get more than $50,000? |
Section 35.4065
How can my group spend TAG money? |
Section 35.4070
Are there things my group can't spend TAG money for? |
Section 35.4075
Does my group get a lump sum up front, or does EPA reimburse us for costs we incur? |
Section 35.4080
Can my group get an ``advance payment'' to help us get started? |
Section 35.4085
If my group is eligible for an advance payment, how do we get our funds? |
Section 35.4090
What can my group pay for with an advance payment? |
Section 35.4095
Can my group incur any costs prior to the award of our grant? |
Section 35.4100
What is the first step for getting a TAG? |
Section 35.4105
What information should an LOI include? |
Section 35.4106
What does EPA do once it receives the first LOI from a group? |
Section 35.4110
After the public notice that EPA has received an LOI, how much time does my group have to form a coalition or submit a |
Section 35.4115
What does my group do next? |
Section 35.4120
What else does my group need to do? |
Section 35.4125
What must be included in my group's budget? |
Section 35.4130
What period of time should my group's budget cover? |
Section 35.4135
What must be included in my group's work plan? |
Section 35.4140
How much time do my group or other interested groups have to submit a TAG application to EPA? |
Section 35.4145
What happens after my group submits its application to EPA? |
Section 35.4150
How does EPA decide whether to award a TAG to our group? |
Section 35.4155
What does EPA do if more than one group applies for a TAG at the same site? |
Section 35.4160
Does the TAG application process affect the schedule for work at my site? |
Section 35.4161
When does EPA award a TAG? |
Section 35.4165
What kinds of reporting does EPA require? |
Section 35.4170
What other reporting and record keeping requirements are there? |
Section 35.4175
Must my group keep financial records after we finish our TAG? |
Section 35.4180
What does my group do with reports our technical advisor prepares for us? |
Section 35.4185
How does my group identify a qualified technical advisor? |
Section 35.4190
Are there certain people my group cannot select to be our technical advisor, grant administrator, or other contractor |
Section 35.4195
What restrictions apply to contractors my group procures for our TAG? |
Section 35.4200
How does my group procure a technical advisor or any other contractor? |
Section 35.4205
Must my group solicit and document bids for our procurements? |
Section 35.4210
What if my group can't find an adequate number of potential sources for a technical advisor or other contractor? |
Section 35.4215
How does my group ensure a prospective contractor does not have a conflict of interest? |
Section 35.4220
What if my group decides a prospective contractor has a conflict of interest? |
Section 35.4225
What are my group's contractual responsibilities once we procure a contractor? |
Section 35.4230
Are there specific provisions my group's contract(s) must contain? |
Section 35.4235
What provisions must my group's TAG contractor comply with if it subcontracts? |
Section 35.4240
How does my group resolve a disagreement with EPA regarding our TAG? |
Section 35.4245
Under what circumstances would EPA terminate my group's TAG? |
Section 35.4250
Can my group terminate our TAG? |
Section 35.4255
What other steps might EPA take if my group fails to comply with the terms and conditions of our award? |
Section 35.4260
How does my group close out our TAG? |
Section 35.4265
Definitions |
Section 35.4270
Where can my group get the documents this subpart references (for example Whitehouse OMB circulars, eCFR and tag |
Section 35.4275
Authority |
Section 35.6000
Purpose and scope |
Section 35.6005
Indian Tribe and intertribal consortium eligibility |
Section 35.6010
Definitions |
Section 35.6015
Requirements for both applicants and recipients |
Section 35.6020
Deviation from this subpart |
Section 35.6025
Eligibility for pre-remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6050
State-lead pre-remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6055
Political subdivision-lead pre-remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6060
Indian Tribe-lead pre-remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6070
Eligibility for remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6100
State-lead remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6105
Indian Tribe-lead remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6110
Political subdivision-lead remedial Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6115
Notification of the out-of-State or out-of-an-Indian- Tribal-area-of-Indian-country transfer of CERCLA waste |
Section 35.6120
Eligibility for enforcement Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6145
Activities eligible for funding under enforcement Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6150
State, political subdivision or Indian Tribe-lead enforcement Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6155
Eligibility for removal Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6200
Removal Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6205
Eligibility for Core Program Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6215
General |
Section 35.6220
Activities eligible for funding under Core Program Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6225
Application requirements |
Section 35.6230
Cost sharing |
Section 35.6235
Eligibility for support agency Cooperative Agreements |
Section 35.6240
Allowable activities |
Section 35.6245
Support agency Cooperative Agreement requirements |
Section 35.6250
Combining Cooperative Agreement sites and activities |
Section 35.6260
Standards for financial management systems |
Section 35.6270
Period of availability of funds |
Section 35.6275
Payments |
Section 35.6280
Recipient payment of response costs |
Section 35.6285
Program income |
Section 35.6290
General personal property acquisition and use requirements |
Section 35.6300
Obtaining supplies |
Section 35.6305
Obtaining equipment |
Section 35.6310
Alternative methods for obtaining property |
Section 35.6315
Usage rate |
Section 35.6320
Title and EPA interest in CERCLA-funded property |
Section 35.6325
Title to federally owned property |
Section 35.6330
Property management standards |
Section 35.6335
Disposal of CERCLA-funded property |
Section 35.6340
Equipment disposal options |
Section 35.6345
Disposal of federally owned property |
Section 35.6350
Acquisition and transfer of interest |
Section 35.6400
Use |
Section 35.6405
General requirements |
Section 35.6450
General requirements |
Section 35.6500
Procurement system standards |
Section 35.6550
Competition |
Section 35.6555
Procurement methods |
Section 35.6565
Use of the same engineer during subsequent phases of response |
Section 35.6570
Restrictions on types of contracts |
Section 35.6575
Cost and price analysis |
Section 35.6585
Bonding and insurance |
Section 35.6590
Contract provisions |
Section 35.6595
Contractor claims |
Section 35.6600
Privity of contract |
Section 35.6605
Contracts awarded by a contractor |
Section 35.6610
Progress reports |
Section 35.6650
Notification of significant developments |
Section 35.6655
Property inventory reports |
Section 35.6660
Financial reports |
Section 35.6670
Project records |
Section 35.6700
Records retention |
Section 35.6705
Records access |
Section 35.6710
Modifications |
Section 35.6750
Monitoring program performance |
Section 35.6755
Enforcement and termination |
Section 35.6760
Non-Federal audit |
Section 35.6765
Disputes |
Section 35.6770
Exclusion of third-party benefits |
Section 35.6775
Closeout |
Section 35.6780
Collection of amounts due |
Section 35.6785
High risk recipients |
Section 35.6790
Superfund State Contract |
Section 35.6800
Contents of an SSC |
Section 35.6805
Administrative requirements |
Section 35.6815
Conclusion of the SSC |
Section 35.6820
Applicability |
Section 35.9000
Purpose |
Section 35.9005
Definitions |
Section 35.9010
Summary of annual process |
Section 35.9015
Planning targets |
Section 35.9020
Work program |
Section 35.9030
Budget period |
Section 35.9035
Application for assistance |
Section 35.9040
EPA action on application |
Section 35.9045
Assistance amount |
Section 35.9050
Evaluation of recipient performance |
Section 35.9055
Maximum Federal share |
Section 35.9060
Limitations |
Section 35.9065
National program assistance agreements |
Section 35.9070
Purpose of regulation |