The following limitations apply to funds appropriated and awarded under section 319(h) of the Act in any fiscal year.
(a) Award amount. The Regional Administrator will award no more than 15 percent of the amount appropriated to carry out section 319(h) of the Act to any one State. This amount includes any grants to any local public agency or organization with authority to control pollution from nonpoint sources in any area of the State.
(b) Financial assistance to persons. States may use funds for financial assistance to persons only to the extent that such assistance is related to the cost of demonstration projects.
(c) Administrative costs. Administrative costs in the form of salaries, overhead, or indirect costs for services provided and charged against activities and programs carried out with these funds shall not exceed 10 percent of the funds the State receives in any fiscal year. The cost of implementing enforcement and regulatory activities, education, training, technical assistance, demonstration projects, and technology transfer programs are not subject to this limitation.
(d) Requirements. The Regional Administrator will not award section 319(h) funds to a State unless:
(1) Approved assessment report. EPA has approved the State's assessment report on nonpoint sources, prepared in accordance with section 319(a) of the Act;
(2) Approved State management program. EPA has approved the State's management program for nonpoint sources, prepared in accordance with section 319(b) of the Act;
(3) Progress on reducing pollutant loadings. The Regional Administrator determines that the State made satisfactory progress in the preceding fiscal year in meeting its schedule for achieving implementation of best management practices to reduce pollutant loadings from categories of nonpoint sources, or particular nonpoint sources, designated in the State's management program. The State must have developed this schedule in accordance with section 319(b)(2)(c) of the Act;
(4) Activity and output descriptions. The work plan briefly describes each significant category of nonpoint source activity and the work plan commitments to be produced for each category; and
(5) Significant watershed projects. For watershed projects whose costs exceed $50,000, the work plan also contains:
(i) A brief synopsis of the watershed implementation plan outlining the problem(s) to be addressed;
(ii) The project's goals and objectives; and
(iii) The performance measures or environmental indicators that will be used to evaluate the results of the project.
Lead-Based Paint Program (Section 404(g))