(a) The State will furnish a written certification to the Regional Administrator for each construction grant project application submitted to EPA for award. The certification must state that all Federal requirements, within the scope of authority delegated to the State under the delegation agreement, have been met. This certification must be supported by documentation specified in the delegation agreement. The documentation must be made available to the Regional Administrator upon request.
(b) Certification that a construction grant project application complies with all delegable pre-award requirements consists of certification of compliance with the following sections of subpart I of this part: Sec. 35.2030 (Facilities planning); Sec. 35.2040 (a) and (b) (Grant application); Sec. 35.2042 (Review of grant applications); and Secs. 35.2100 (Limitations on award) through and including 35.2125, except for Sec. 35.2101 (Advanced treatment reviews for projects with incremental capital advanced treatment costs of over $3 million), Sec. 35.2112 (Marine waiver discharge applicants), and Sec. 35.2113 (final decisions under the National Environmental Policy Act).