(a) Prevention of double benefit. If the SRF makes a loan in part to finance the cost of facility planning and preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for the building of treatment works and the recipient subsequently receives a grant under section 201(g) for the building of treatment works and an allowance under section 201(1)(1), the SRF shall ensure that the recipient will promptly repay the loan to the extent of the allowance.
(b) Assistance for the non-Federal share. (1) The SRF shall not provide a loan for the non-Federal share of the cost of a treatment works project for which the recipient is receiving assistance from the EPA under any other authority.
(1) The SRF shall not provide a loan for the non-Federal share of the cost of a treatment works project for which the recipient is receiving assistance from the EPA under any other authority.
(2) The SRF may provide authorized financial assistance other than a loan for the non-Federal share of a treatment works project receiving EPA assistance if the Governor or the Governor's designee determines that such assistance is necessary to allow the project to proceed.
(3) The SRF may provide loans for subsequent phases, segments, or stages of wastewater treatment works that previously received grant assistance for earlier phases, segments, or stages of the same treatment works.
(4) A community that receives a title II construction grant after the community has begun building with its own financing, may receive SRF assistance to refinance the pre-grant work, in accordance with the requirements for refinancing set forth under Sec. 35.3120(b) of this part.
(c) Publicly owned portions. The SRF may provide assistance for only the publicly owned portion of the treatment works.
(d) Private operation. Contractual arrangements for the private operation of a publicly owned treatment works will not affect the eligibility of the treatment works for SRF financing.
(e) Water quality management planning. The SRF may provide assistance only to projects that are consistent with any plans developed under sections 205(j), 208, 303(e), 319 and 320 of the Act.