There are several types of reports you need to complete at various points during the life of your group's grant; the number varies based on whether you receive an advance payment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Required Timing and
(a) Federal Cash Transactions The amount of Semiannually
Report. funds advanced to within 15 working
you or days following
electronically the end of the
transferred to semiannual period
your bank account which ends June
and how you spent 30 and December
those funds. 31 of each year.------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) [Reserved]..................------------------------------------------------------------------------(c) Progress Report............. Full description Quarterly, within
in chart or 45 days after the
narrative format end of each
of the progress calendar quarter.
your group made
in relation to
your approved
schedule, budget
and the TAG
including an
explanation of
special problems
your group
encountered.------------------------------------------------------------------------(d) Financial Status Report..... Status of Annually, within
project's funds 90 days after the
through anniversary date
identification of of the start of
project your TAG project.
transactions and
within 90 days
after the end of
your TAG's
funding period.------------------------------------------------------------------------(e) Final Report................ Description of Within 90 days
project goals and after the end of
objectives, your project.
undertaken to
achieve goals and
advisors' work
products and
funds spent.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [65 FR 58858, Oct. 2, 2000, as amended at 73 FR 15922, Mar. 26, 2008]