(a) The steps needed to be taken to procure goods and/or services depends on the amount of the proposed procurement: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) purchase is $1,000 or less......... may make the purchase as long
as you make sure the price is
reasonable; no oral or written
bids are necessary.------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) proposed contract is over $1,000 must obtain and document oral
but less than $25,000. or written bids from two or
more qualified sources.------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) proposed contract is $25,000 to must:
(i) Solicit written bids from
three or more sources who are
willing and able to do the
(ii) Provide potential sources
in the scope of work to be
performed and the criteria
your group will use to
evaluate the bids;
(iii) Objectively evaluate all
bids; and
(iv) Notify all unsuccessful
bidders.------------------------------------------------------------------------(4) proposed contract is greater than must follow the procurement
$100,000. regulations in 2 CFR Parts 200
and 1500 (these regulations
outline the standards for your
group to use when contracting
for services with Federal
funds; they also contain
provisions on: codes of
conduct for the award and
administration of contracts;
competition; procurement
procedures; cost and price
analysis; procurement records;
contract administration; and
contracts generally).------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Your group must not divide any procurements into smaller parts to get under any of the dollar limits in paragraph (a) of this section. [65 FR 58858, Oct. 2, 2000, as amended at 79 FR 76058, Dec. 19, 2014