(a) The Regional Administrator will only award section 106 funds to a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium if:
(1) All monitoring and analysis activities performed by the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium meets the applicable quality assurance and quality control requirements in 2 CFR 1500.11.
(2) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has emergency power authority comparable to that in section 504 of the Clean Water Act and adequate contingency plans to implement such authority.
(3) EPA has not assumed enforcement as defined in section 309(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act in the Tribe's or any Intertribal Consortium member's jurisdiction.
(4) The Tribe or Intertribal Consortium agrees to include a discussion of how the work performed under section 106 addressed water quality problems on Tribal lands in the annual report required under Sec. 35.515(d).
(5) After an initial award of section 106 funds, the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium shows satisfactory progress in meeting its negotiated work plan commitments.
(b) A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible to receive a section 106 grant or section 106 grant funds even if the Tribe or each of the members of an Intertribal Consortium does not meet the requirements of section 106(e)(1) and 106(f)(1) of the Clean Water Act. [66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
Water Quality Cooperative Agreements (Section 104(b)(3))