To receive a Core Program Cooperative Agreement, the applicant must submit an application form (``Application for Federal Assistance,'' SF-424, for non-construction programs) to EPA. Applications for additional funding need include only the revised pages. The application must include the following:
(a) A project narrative statement, including the following:
(1) A Statement of Work (SOW) which must include a detailed description of the CERCLA-funded activities and tasks to be conducted, the projected costs associated with each task, the number of products to be completed, and a schedule for implementation. Eligible activities under Core Program Cooperative Agreements are discussed in Sec. 35.6225; and
(2) A background statement, describing the current abilities and authorities of the recipient's program for implementing CERCLA, the program's needs to sustain and increase recipient involvement in CERCLA implementation, and the impact of Core Program Cooperative Agreement funds on the recipient's involvement in site-specific CERCLA response.
(b) Budget sheets (SF-424A).
(c) Proposed project and budget periods for CERCLA-funded activities. The project and budget periods may be one or more years and may be extended incrementally, up to 12 months at a time, with EPA approval.
(d) Other applicable forms and information authorized by 2 CFR part 200 Subpart C--Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards. [72 FR 24504, May 2, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 76060, Dec. 19, 2014]