(a) Closeout of a Cooperative Agreement, or an activity under a Cooperative Agreement, can take place in the following situations:
(1) After the completion of all work for a response activity at a site; or
(2) After all activities under a Cooperative Agreement have been completed; or
(3) Upon termination of the Cooperative Agreement.
(b) The recipient must comply with the closeout requirements described in 2 CFR 200.343 and 200.344.
(c) After closeout, EPA may monitor the recipients' compliance with the assurance to provide all future operation and maintenance as required by CERCLA section 104(c) and addressed in 40 CFR 300.510(c)(1) of the NCP. [72 FR 24504, May 2, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 76061, Dec. 19, 2014]