The mandatory terms and conditions governing the use of passenger transportation documents are:
(a) Government travel must be via the lowest cost available, that meets travel requirements; e.g., Government contract, fare, through, excursion, or reduced one way or round trip fare. This should be done by entering the term ``lowest coach'' on the Government travel document if the specific fare basis is not known;
(b) The U.S. Government is not responsible for charges exceeding those applicable to the type, class, or character authorized in transportation documents;
(c) The U.S. Government contractor-issued charge card must be used to the maximum extent possible to procure passenger transportation tickets. GTRs must be used minimally;
(d) Government passenger transportation documents must be in accordance with Federal Travel Regulation Chapters 300 and 301 (41 CFR chapters 300 and 301), and the ``U.S. Government Passenger Transportation--Handbook'';
(e) Interest shall accrue from the voucher payment date on overcharges made hereunder and shall be paid at the same rate in effect on that date as published by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the Debt Collection Act of 1982;
(f) The TSP must insert on the TD any known dates on which travel commenced;
(g) The issuing official or traveler, by signature, certifies that the requested transportation is for official business;
(h) The TSP must not honor any request containing erasures or alterations unless the TD contains the authentic, valid initials of the issuing official; and
(i) Additional mandatory terms and conditions are in this part and the ``U. S. Government Passenger Transportation--Handbook.''