When GSA performs a postpayment audit, the GSA Audit Division has the delegated authority to implement the following procedures:
(a) Audit selected TSP bills after payment;
(b) Audit selected TSP bills before payment as needed to protect the Government's interest (i.e., bankruptcy, fraud);
(c) Examine, settle, and adjust accounts involving payment for transportation and related services for the account of agencies;
(d) Adjudicate and settle transportation claims by and against agencies;
(e) Offset an overcharge by any TSP from an amount subsequently found to be due that TSP;
(f) Issue a Notice of Overcharge stating that a TSP owes a debt to the agency. This notice states the amount paid, the basis for the proper charge for the document reference number, and cites applicable tariff or tender along with other data relied on to support the overcharge. A separate Notice of Overcharge is prepared and mailed for each bill; and
(g) Issue a GSA Notice of Indebtedness when a TSP owes an ordinary debt to an agency. This notice states the basis for the debt, the TSP's rights, interest, penalty, and other results of nonpayment. The debt is due immediately and subject to interest charges, penalties, and administrative cost under 31 U.S.C. 3717.