Yes, when you exchange/sell non-certificated aircraft or aircraft maintained as public aircraft, you must ensure that the exchange/sale offerings contain the following statement:
``Warning to purchasers/recipients. The aircraft you are purchasing or receiving in an exchange may not be in compliance with applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. You are solely responsible for bringing the aircraft into compliance with 14 CFR Chapter I, or other applicable standards, by obtaining all necessary FAA inspections or modifications.
The purchaser/recipient agrees that the Government shall not be held liable for personal injuries to, disabilities of, or death of the purchaser/recipient, the purchaser's/recipient's employees, or to any other persons arising from or incident to the purchase of this aircraft, its use, or disposition. You will hold the Government harmless from any or all debts, liabilities, judgments, costs, demands, suits, actions, or claims of any nature arising from or incident to the purchase, use, or resale of this item. This aircraft may have been operated outside the limitations of 14 CFR Chapter I, and some type of inspection may be needed to determine its airworthiness prior to being flown. You should be aware of the items below prior to operating this aircraft.
All civil and public aircraft must have a valid registration issued by the FAA as required by 14 CFR Chapter I.
Civil aircraft must have a valid airworthiness certificate in order to operate in the U.S. airspace.
In order for the aircraft to be eligible for a standard airworthiness certificate, the aircraft must conform to its FAA Type Certificate.
Aircraft not having a valid airworthiness certificate may be eligible for a special FAA one-time flight permit to enable relocating the aircraft. Relocation can be for a number of reasons, including storage, repair, inspection, or public display. Any one-time flight approval is predicated on the aircraft being safe for flight.
Individuals who purchase a surplus military (foreign or domestic) or foreign aircraft not having any type of FAA Type Certificate may be unable to obtain any type of airworthiness certificate or special flight permit.
An aircraft with good maintenance and inspection records makes an airworthiness determination easier to ascertain. It is in your best interest to contact the nearest FAA Flight Standards District Office and discuss your responsibilities with respect to gaining an airworthiness determination. The location of your nearest FAA office may be obtained from the FAA's Web site (
When the aircraft is purchased for spare parts and the airframe is scrapped, you should declassify the aircraft (see Sec. 102-33.420 for more information), complete the back of the aircraft's registration form and send it to: The FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, P.O. Box 25504, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0504.''