When the quantity of property received doesn't agree with that approved by GSA on the SF 123, the transferee should handle the overage or shortage as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) More property is received The known or Submit a SF 123
than was approved by GSA for estimated for the
transfer. acquisition cost difference to GSA
of the line (Identify the
item(s) involved property as an
is $500 or more. overage and
include the
original transfer
order number.)
\1\------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) Less property is received The acquisition Submit a shortage
than was approved by GSA for cost of the report to GSA,
transfer. missing item(s) with a copy to
is $500 or more. the holding
agency.\1\------------------------------------------------------------------------(c) The known or estimated Annotate on your
acquisition cost of the receiving and
property is less than $500 inventory
records, a
description of
the property, its
known or
acquisition cost,
and the name of
the holding
agency.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Submit the SF 123 or shortage report to the GSA approving office
within 30 calendar days of the date of transfer.