The General Services Administration (GSA) is responsible for supervising and directing the disposal of surplus personal property. In addition to issuing regulatory guidance for the donation of such property, GSA:
(a) Determines when property is surplus to the needs of the Government;
(b) Allocates and transfers surplus property on a fair and equitable basis to State agencies for surplus property (SASPs) for further distribution to eligible donees;
(c) Oversees the care and handling of surplus property while it is in the custody of a SASP;
(d) Approves all transfers of surplus property to public airports, pursuant to the appropriate determinations made by the Federal Aviation Administration (see subpart F of this part);
(e) Donates to the American National Red Cross property (generally blood plasma and related medical materials) originally provided by the Red Cross to a Federal agency, but that has subsequently been determined surplus to Federal needs (see subpart G of this part);
(f) Approves, after consultation with the holding agency, foreign excess personal property to be returned to the United States for donation purposes;
(g) Coordinates and controls the level of SASP and donee screening at Federal installations;
(h) Imposes appropriate conditions on the donation of surplus property having characteristics that require special handling or use limitations (see Sec. 102-37.455); and
(i) Keeps track of and reports on Federal donation programs (see Sec. 102-37.105).