(a) Capital-related costs--(1) Payment. Subject to the reductions described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, payment for capital-related costs (as described in Sec. 413.130 of this chapter) for cost reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1991 is determined on a reasonable cost basis.
(1) Payment. Subject to the reductions described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, payment for capital-related costs (as described in Sec. 413.130 of this chapter) for cost reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1991 is determined on a reasonable cost basis.
(2) Reduction to capital-related payments. (i) Except for sole community hospitals as defined in Sec. 412.92, the amount of capital-related payments for cost-reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1991 (including a return on equity capital as provided under Sec. 413.157 of this chapter) is reduced by--
(i) Except for sole community hospitals as defined in Sec. 412.92, the amount of capital-related payments for cost-reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1991 (including a return on equity capital as provided under Sec. 413.157 of this chapter) is reduced by--
(A) Three and one-half percent for payments attributable to portions of cost reporting periods occurring during Federal FY 1987;
(B) Seven percent for payments attributable to portions of cost reporting periods or discharges (as the case may be) occurring during fiscal year 1988 and before January 1, 1988;
(C) Twelve percent for payments attributable to portions of cost reporting periods or discharges (as the case may be) in fiscal year 1988 occurring on or after January 1, 1988;
(D) Fifteen percent for payments attributable to portions of cost reporting periods or discharges (as the case may be) occurring during fiscal year 1989 and beginning on or after January 1, 1990 and ending on or before September 30, 1991; and
(E) Ten percent for payments attributable to portions of cost-reporting periods occurring on or after October 1, 1991 and before the beginning of the hospital's first cost-reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 1991.
(ii) If a hospital's cost reporting period encompasses more than one Federal fiscal year, the reductions to capital-related payments are determined on a prorated monthly basis.
(3) For cost-reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1991, a hospital with a hospital-specific rate above the Federal capital rate is paid a hold-harmless payment for old capital determined in accordance with subpart M of this part.
(b) Direct medical education costs. (1) Payment for the direct medical education costs of interns and residents in approved programs for cost reporting periods beginning prior to July 1, 1985, and for approved education activities of nurses and paramedical health professionals is made as described in Sec. 413.85 of this chapter.
(1) Payment for the direct medical education costs of interns and residents in approved programs for cost reporting periods beginning prior to July 1, 1985, and for approved education activities of nurses and paramedical health professionals is made as described in Sec. 413.85 of this chapter.
(2) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after July 1, 1985, payment for the direct medical education costs of interns and residents in approved programs is made as described in Sec. Sec. 413.75 through 413.83 of this subchapter.
(3) Except as provided in Sec. 413.75(c) of this subchapter, for cost reporting periods during the prospective payment transition period, the costs of medical education must be determined in a manner that is consistent with the treatment of these costs for purposes of determining the hospital-specific portion of the payment rate as provided in subpart E of this part.
(c) Anesthesia services furnished by hospital or CAH employed nonphysician anesthetists or obtained under arrangements. (1) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1984 through any part of a cost reporting period occurring before January 1, 1989, payment is determined on a reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services provided in the hospital or CAH by qualified nonphysician anesthetists (certified registered nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist's assistants) employed by the hospital or CAH or obtained under arrangements.
(1) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1984 through any part of a cost reporting period occurring before January 1, 1989, payment is determined on a reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services provided in the hospital or CAH by qualified nonphysician anesthetists (certified registered nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist's assistants) employed by the hospital or CAH or obtained under arrangements.
(2)(i) For cost reporting periods, or any part of a cost reporting period, beginning on or after January 1, 1989, through any part of a cost reporting period occurring before January 1, 1990, payment is determined on a reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services provided in a hospital or CAH by qualified nonphysician anesthetists employed by the hospital or CAH or obtained under arrangement, if the hospital or CAH demonstrates to its intermediary prior to April 1, 1989 that it meets the following criteria:
(i) For cost reporting periods, or any part of a cost reporting period, beginning on or after January 1, 1989, through any part of a cost reporting period occurring before January 1, 1990, payment is determined on a reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services provided in a hospital or CAH by qualified nonphysician anesthetists employed by the hospital or CAH or obtained under arrangement, if the hospital or CAH demonstrates to its intermediary prior to April 1, 1989 that it meets the following criteria:
(A) The hospital or CAH is located in a rural area as defined in Sec. 412.62(f) and is not deemed to be located in an urban area under the provisions of Sec. 412.64(b)(3). Effective December 2, 2010, the hospital or CAH is either located in a rural area as defined at Sec. 412.62(f) and is not deemed to be located in an urban area under the provisions of Sec. 412.64(b)(3) or the hospital or CAH has reclassified as rural under the provisions at Sec. 412.103.
(B) The hospital or CAH must have employed or contracted with a qualified nonphysician anesthetist, as defined in Sec. 410.69 of this chapter, as of January 1, 1988 to perform anesthesia services in that hospital or CAH. The hospital or CAH may employ or contract with more than one anesthetist; however, the total number of hours of service furnished by the anesthetists may not exceed 2,080 hours per year.
(C) The hospital or CAH must provide data for its entire patient population to demonstrate that, during calendar year 1987, its volume of surgical procedures (inpatient and outpatient) requiring anesthesia services did not exceed 250 procedures. For purposes of this section, a surgical procedure requiring anesthesia services means a surgical procedure in which the anesthesia is administered and monitored by a qualified nonphysician anesthetist, a physician other than the primary surgeon, or an intern or resident.
(D) Each qualified nonphysician anesthetist employed by or under contract with the hospital or CAH has agreed in writing not to bill on a reasonable charge basis for his or her patient care to Medicare beneficiaries in that hospital or CAH.
(ii) To maintain its eligibility for reasonable cost payment under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section in calendar years after 1989, a qualified hospital or CAH must demonstrate prior to January 1 of each respective year that for the prior year its volume of surgical procedures requiring anesthesia service did not exceed 500 procedures; or, effective October 1, 2002, did not exceed 800 procedures.
(iii) A hospital or CAH that did not qualify for reasonable cost payment for nonphysician anesthetist services furnished in calendar year 1989 can qualify in subsequent years if it meets the criteria in paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(A), (B), and (D) of this section, and demonstrates to its intermediary prior to the start of the calendar year that it met these criteria. The hospital or CAH must provide data for its entire patient population to demonstrate that, during calendar year 1987 and the year immediately preceding its election of reasonable cost payment, its volume of surgical procedures (inpatient and outpatient) requiring anesthesia services did not exceed 500 procedures, or, effective October 1, 2002, did not exceed 800 procedures.
(iv) For administrative purposes for the calendar years after 1990, the volume of surgical procedures for the immediately preceding year is the sum of the surgical procedures for the nine month period ending September 30, annualized for the twelve month period.
(d) Organ acquisition. Payment for organ acquisition costs incurred by hospitals with approved transplantation centers is made on a reasonable cost basis. The term ``Organs'' is defined in Sec. 486.302 of this chapter. [50 FR 12741, Mar. 29, 1985]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 412.113, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.