Section 412.1
Basis of payment |
Section 412.2
Admissions |
Section 412.3
Discharges and transfers |
Section 412.4
Cost reporting periods subject to the prospective payment systems |
Section 412.6
Publication of schedules for determining prospective payment rates |
Section 412.8
Changes in the DRG classification system |
Section 412.10
Hospital services subject to the prospective payment systems |
Section 412.20
Excluded hospitals and hospital units: General rules |
Section 412.22
Excluded hospitals: Classifications |
Section 412.23
Excluded hospital units: Common requirements |
Section 412.25
Excluded psychiatric units: Additional requirements |
Section 412.27
Classification criteria for payment under the inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system |
Section 412.29
General requirements |
Section 412.40
Limitations on charges to beneficiaries |
Section 412.42
Medical review requirements: Admissions and quality review |
Section 412.44
Medical review requirements |
Section 412.46
Denial of payment as a result of admissions and quality review |
Section 412.48
Furnishing of inpatient hospital services directly or |
Section 412.50
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements |
Section 412.52
DRG classification and weighting factors |
Section 412.60
Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for fiscal year 1984 |
Section 412.62
Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for Federal fiscal years 1984 through 2004 |
Section 412.63
Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for Federal fiscal year 2005 and subsequent fiscal years |
Section 412.64
General description |
Section 412.70
Determination of base-year inpatient operating costs |
Section 412.71
Modification of base-year costs |
Section 412.72
Determination of the hospital-specific rate based on a Federal fiscal year 1982 base period |
Section 412.73
Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs based on a Federal fiscal year 1987 base period |
Section 412.75
Recovery of excess transition period payment amounts resulting from unlawful claims |
Section 412.76
Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs for sole community hospitals based on a Federal fiscal |
Section 412.77
Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs for sole community hospitals based on a Federal fisca |
Section 412.78
Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs for Medicare-dependent, small rural hospitals based |
Section 412.79
Outlier cases: General provisions |
Section 412.80
Payment for extended length-of-stay cases (day outliers) |
Section 412.82
Payment for extraordinarily high-cost cases (cost outliers) |
Section 412.84
Payment for extraordinarily high-cost day outliers |
Section 412.86
Additional payment for new medical services and technologies: General provisions |
Section 412.87
Additional payment for new medical service or technology |
Section 412.88
Payment adjustment for certain replaced devices |
Section 412.89
General rules |
Section 412.90
Special treatment: Sole community hospitals |
Section 412.92
Special treatment: Referral centers |
Section 412.96
Special treatment: Renal transplantation centers |
Section 412.100
Special treatment: Inpatient hospital payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals |
Section 412.101
Special treatment: Hospitals located in areas that are changing from urban to rural as a result of a geographic |
Section 412.102
Special treatment: Hospitals located in urban areas and that apply for reclassification as rural |
Section 412.103
Special treatment: Hospitals with high percentage of ESRD discharges |
Section 412.104
Special treatment: Hospitals that incur indirect costs for graduate medical education programs |
Section 412.105
Special treatment: Hospitals that serve a disproportionate share of low-income patients |
Section 412.106
Special treatment: Hospitals that receive an additional update for FYs 1998 and 1999 |
Section 412.107
Special treatment: Medicare-dependent, small rural hospitals |
Section 412.108
Special treatment: Essential access community hospitals (EACHs) |
Section 412.109
Total Medicare payment |
Section 412.110
Payments determined on a per case basis |
Section 412.112
Other payments |
Section 412.113
Additional payments |
Section 412.115
Method of payment |
Section 412.116
Reductions to total payments |
Section 412.120
Effect of change of ownership on payments under the prospective payment systems |
Section 412.125
Retroactive adjustments for incorrectly excluded hospitals and units |
Section 412.130
Participation, data submission, and validation requirements under the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) |
Section 412.140
Basis and scope of subpart |
Section 412.150
Definitions for the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program |
Section 412.152
Payment adjustments under the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program |
Section 412.154
Definitions for the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program |
Section 412.160
Applicability of the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program |
Section 412.161
Process for reducing the base operating DRG payment amount and applying the value-based incentive payment amount adjustment |
Section 412.162
Process for making hospital-specific performance information under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program |
Section 412.163
Measure selection under the Hospital Value-Based |
Section 412.164
Performance scoring under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program |
Section 412.165
Appeal under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program |
Section 412.167
Payment adjustments under the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program |
Section 412.172
General provisions |
Section 412.200
Payment to hospitals located in Puerto Rico |
Section 412.204
Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal year 1988 |
Section 412.208
Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal years 1989 through 2003 |
Section 412.210
Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal year 2004 and subsequent fiscal years |
Section 412.211
National rate |
Section 412.212
Special treatment of certain hospitals located in Puerto Rico |
Section 412.220
Criteria for an individual hospital seeking redesignation to another rural area or an urban area |
Section 412.230
Criteria for all hospitals in a rural county seeking urban redesignation |
Section 412.232
Criteria for all hospitals in an urban county seeking redesignation to another urban area |
Section 412.234
Criteria for all hospitals in a State seeking a statewide wage index redesignation |
Section 412.235
MGCRB members |
Section 412.246
Number of members needed for a decision or a hearing |
Section 412.248
Sources of MGCRB's authority |
Section 412.250
Applications |
Section 412.252
Proceedings before MGCRB |
Section 412.254
Application requirements |
Section 412.256
Parties to MGCRB proceeding |
Section 412.258
Time and place of the oral hearing |
Section 412.260
Disqualification of an MGCRB member |
Section 412.262
Evidence and comments in MGCRB proceeding |
Section 412.264
Availability of wage data |
Section 412.266
Subpoenas |
Section 412.268
Witnesses |
Section 412.270
Record of proceedings before the MGCRB |
Section 412.272
Withdrawing an application, terminating an approved 3-year reclassification, or canceling a previous withdrawal or termination |
Section 412.273
Scope and effect of an MGCRB decision |
Section 412.274
Timing of MGCRB decision and its appeal |
Section 412.276
Administrator's review |
Section 412.278
Representation |
Section 412.280
Scope of subpart and definition |
Section 412.300
Introduction to capital costs |
Section 412.302
Implementation of the capital prospective payment system |
Section 412.304
Determining and updating the Federal rate |
Section 412.308
Payment based on the Federal rate |
Section 412.312
Geographic adjustment factors |
Section 412.316
Disproportionate share adjustment factor |
Section 412.320
Indirect medical education adjustment factor |
Section 412.322
General description |
Section 412.324
Determining and updating the hospital-specific rate |
Section 412.328
Determining hospital-specific rates in cases of hospital merger, consolidation, or dissolution |
Section 412.331
Payment based on the hospital-specific rate |
Section 412.332
Transition period payment methodologies |
Section 412.336
Fully prospective payment methodology |
Section 412.340
Hold-harmless payment methodology |
Section 412.344
Exception payments |
Section 412.348
Budget neutrality adjustment |
Section 412.352
General provisions for hospitals located in Puerto Rico |
Section 412.370
Payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico |
Section 412.374
Basis and scope of subpart |
Section 412.400
Definitions |
Section 412.402
Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for inpatient hospital services of psychiatric facilities |
Section 412.404
Preadmission services as inpatient operating costs under the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system |
Section 412.405
Basis of payment |
Section 412.422
Methodology for calculating the Federal per diem payment amount |
Section 412.424
Transition period |
Section 412.426
Publication of Updates to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system |
Section 412.428
Method of payment under the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system |
Section 412.432
Reconsideration and appeals procedures of Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program decisions |
Section 412.434
Basis and scope of subpart |
Section 412.500
Definitions |
Section 412.503
Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for long-term care hospitals |
Section 412.505
Limitation on charges to beneficiaries |
Section 412.507
Medical review requirements |
Section 412.508
Furnishing of inpatient hospital services directly or under arrangement |
Section 412.509
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements |
Section 412.511
Patient classification system |
Section 412.513
LTC-DRG weighting factors |
Section 412.515
Revision of LTC-DRG group classifications and weighting factors |
Section 412.517
Basis of payment |
Section 412.521
Application of site neutral payment rate |
Section 412.522
Methodology for calculating the Federal prospective payment rates |
Section 412.523
Adjustments to the Federal prospective payment |
Section 412.525
Payment provisions for a ``subclause (II)'' long-term care hospital |
Section 412.526
Special payment provision for short-stay outliers |
Section 412.529
Special payment provisions when an interruption of a stay occurs in a long-term care hospital |
Section 412.531
Transition payments |
Section 412.533
Special payment provisions for long-term care hospitals within hospitals and satellites of long-term care hospitals |
Section 412.534
Publication of the Federal prospective payment rates |
Section 412.535
Special payment provisions for long-term care hospitals and satellites of long-term care hospitals that discharged Medicare |
Section 412.536
Method of payment for preadmission services under the long-term care hospital prospective payment system |
Section 412.540
Method of payment under the long-term care hospital prospective payment system |
Section 412.541
Participation, data submission, and other requirements under the Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting (LTCHQR) Program |
Section 412.560
Basis and scope of subpart |
Section 412.600
Definitions |
Section 412.602
Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for inpatient rehabilitation facilities |
Section 412.604
Patient assessments |
Section 412.606
Patients' rights regarding the collection of patient assessment data |
Section 412.608
Assessment schedule |
Section 412.610
Coordination of the collection of patient assessment data |
Section 412.612
Transmission of patient assessment data |
Section 412.614
Release of information collected using the patient assessment instrument |
Section 412.616
Assessment process for interrupted stays |
Section 412.618
Patient classification system |
Section 412.620
Basis of payment |
Section 412.622
Methodology for calculating the Federal prospective payment rates |
Section 412.624
Transition period |
Section 412.626
Publication of the Federal prospective payment rates |
Section 412.628
Limitation on review |
Section 412.630
Method of payment under the inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system |
Section 412.632
Requirements under the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Quality Reporting Program (QRP) |
Section 412.634
Introduction |