(a) Hospitals requests for review. A hospital or group of hospitals dissatisfied with the MGCRB's decision regarding its geographic designation may request the Administrator to review the MGCRB decision. (A hospital or group of hospitals may also request that the Administrator review the MGCRB's dismissal of an application as untimely filed or incomplete, as provided in Sec. 412.256(d).)
(b) Procedures for hospital's request for review. (1) The hospital's request for review must be in writing and sent to the Administrator, in care of the Office of the Attorney Advisor. The request must be received by the Administrator within 15 days after the date the MGCRB issues its decision. A request for Administrator review filed by facsimile (FAX) or other electronic means will not be accepted. The hospital must also mail a copy of its request for review to CMS's Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group.
(1) The hospital's request for review must be in writing and sent to the Administrator, in care of the Office of the Attorney Advisor. The request must be received by the Administrator within 15 days after the date the MGCRB issues its decision. A request for Administrator review filed by facsimile (FAX) or other electronic means will not be accepted. The hospital must also mail a copy of its request for review to CMS's Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group.
(2) The request for review may contain proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, exceptions to the MGCRB's decision, and supporting reasons therefor.
(3) Within 15 days of receipt of the hospital's request for review, CMS may submit to the Administrator, in writing, with a copy to the party, comments and recommendations concerning the hospital's submission.
(4) Within 10 days of receipt of CMS's submission, the hospital may submit in writing, with a copy to CMS, a response to the Administrator.
(c) Discretionary review by the Administrator. (1) The Administrator may, at his or her discretion, review any final decision of the MGCRB.
(1) The Administrator may, at his or her discretion, review any final decision of the MGCRB.
(2) The Administrator promptly notifies the hospital that he or she has decided to review a decision of the MGCRB. The notice of review indicates the particular issues to be considered and includes copies of any comments submitted to the Administrator by CMS staff concerning the MGCRB decision.
(3) Within 15 days of the receipt of the Administrator's notice of review, the hospital may submit a response in writing to the Administrator, with a copy of CMS.
(d) Criteria for discretionary review. In deciding whether to review an MGCRB decision, the Administrator normally considers whether it appears that any of the following situations apply:
(1) The MGCRB made an erroneous interpretation of law, regulation, or CMS Ruling.
(2) The MGCRB's decision is not supported by substantial evidence.
(3) The case presents a significant policy issue having a basis in law and regulations, and review is likely to lead to issuance of a CMS Ruling or other directive needed to clarify a provision in the law or regulations.
(4) The decision of the MGCRB requires clarification, amplication, or an alternative legal basis.
(5) The MGCRB has incorrectly extended its authority to a degree not provided for by law, regulation, or CMS Ruling.
(e) Communication procedures. All communications between CMS staff and the Administrator concerning the Administrator's review of an MGCRB decision must be in writing. As specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, copies of comments by CMS staff are sent to applicant hospitals within 15 days of receipt of a hospital's request for review, or, in cases in which the Administrator decides to review a case at his or her discretion, are included with the Administrator's notice of review. In the event there are additional communications between CMS staff and the Administrator concerning MGCRB decisions reviewed by the Administrator under paragraphs (b) or (c) of this section, CMS furnishes copies of the communications to the hospital or group of hospitals.
(f) Administrator's decision. (1) The Administrator may not receive or consider any new evidence and must issue a decision based only upon the record as it appeared before the MGCRB and comments submitted under paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), (c)(2), and (c)(3) of this section.
(1) The Administrator may not receive or consider any new evidence and must issue a decision based only upon the record as it appeared before the MGCRB and comments submitted under paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), (c)(2), and (c)(3) of this section.
(2) The Administrator issues a decision in writing to the party with a copy to CMS--
(i) Not later than 90 days following receipt of the party's request for review, except the Administrator may, at his or her discretion, for good cause shown, toll such 90 days; or
(ii) Not later than 105 days following issuance of the MGCRB decision in the case of review at the discretion of the Administrator.
(3) The Administrator's decision issued under Sec. 412.278 (a) or (c) is the final Departmental decision, unless it is amended under Sec. 412.278(g). The final Departmental decision is not subject to judicial review.
(4) The Administrator's decision is not subject to judicial review.
(g) Amendment of Administrator decision--(1) Hospital's request for amendment. The hospital may request the Administrator to amend the decision for the limited purpose of correcting mathematical or computational errors, or to correct the decision if the evidence that was considered in making the decision clearly shows on its face that an error was made. The following procedure is followed:
(1) Hospital's request for amendment. The hospital may request the Administrator to amend the decision for the limited purpose of correcting mathematical or computational errors, or to correct the decision if the evidence that was considered in making the decision clearly shows on its face that an error was made. The following procedure is followed:
(i) The hospital's request for amendment must be received by the Administrator within 10 days after the date the Administrator issues a decision. The request for amendment must be in writing, with a copy to CMS.
(ii) The Administrator promptly reviews the hospital's request and amends the decision, if necessary, within 5 days following receipt of the hospital's request for amendment.
(2) Discretionary review by the Administrator. Within 15 days following the issuance of the Administrator's decision, the Administrator, at his or her discretion, may amend the decision to correct mathematical or computational errors, or to correct the decision if the evidence that was considered in making the decision clearly shows on its face that an error was made. The Administrator's amended decision is final and is not subject to judicial review. [55 FR 36766, Sept. 6, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 25489, June 4, 1991; 57 FR 39826, Sept. 1, 1992; 68 FR 45471, Aug. 1, 2003; 70 FR 47487, Aug. 12, 2005]