(a) When the action is effected. The agency shall preserve all relevant documentation concerning a reduction in grade or removal which is based on unacceptable performance and make it available for review by the affected employee or his or her representative. At a minimum, the agency's records shall consist of a copy of the notice of proposed action, the answer of the employee when it is in writing, a summary thereof when the employee makes an oral reply, the written notice of decision and the reasons therefor, and any supporting material including documentation regarding the opportunity afforded the employee to demonstrate acceptable performance.
(b) When the action is not affected. As provided at 5 U.S.C. 4303(d), if, because of performance improvement by the employee during the notice period, the employee is not reduced in grade or removed, and the employee's performance continues to be acceptable for 1 year from the date of the advanced written notice provided in accordance with Sec. 432.105(a)(4)(i), any entry or other notation of the unacceptable performance for which the action was proposed shall be removed from any agency record relating to the employee. [55 FR 25950, June 26, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 65534, Dec. 15, 1993]