(a) Normal inspection. Sampling plans for normal inspection are those in Tables I and I-A. These plans shall be used except when the history of inspection permits reduced inspection or requires tightened inspection.
(b) Tightened inspection. Sampling plans for tightened inspection are those in Tables II and II-A.
(c) Reduced inspection. Sampling plans for reduced inspection are those in Tables III and III-A.
(d) Switching rules. The normal inspection procedure shall be followed except when conditions in paragraph (d) (1) or (3) of this section are applicable or unless otherwise specified. Application of the following switching rules will be restricted to the inspection of lots for one applicant at a single location (plant, warehouse, etc.), and will be based upon records of original inspections of lots (excluding resubmitted lots) at that same location.
(1) Normal inspection to reduced inspection. When normal inspection is in effect, reduced inspection shall be instituted providing that reduced inspection is considered desirable by the Administrator and further provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied for each class of defect:
(i) The preceding 10 inspection lots (or more, as indicated by the note to Table III-B) which have been inspected within the preceding 6 months have been on normal inspection and none has been rejected on original inspection; and
(ii) The total number of defects in the samples from the preceding 10 inspection lots (or such other number of lots used for condition in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section) is equal to or less than the applicable number given in Table III-B. If a double sampling plan is used, all samples inspected should be included, not ``first'' samples only; and
(2) Reduced inspection to normal inspection. When reduced inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be reinstituted if any of the following occur:
(i) An inspection lot is rejected on original inspection; or
(ii) Production becomes irregular (delayed or accelerated); or
(iii) Other valid conditions warrant that normal inspection shall be reinstituted.
(3) Normal inspection to tightened inspection. When normal inspection is in effect, tightened inspection shall be instituted when 2 out of 5 consecutive inspection lots have been rejected on original inspection.
(4) Tightened inspection to normal inspection. When tightened inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be reinstituted when five consecutive inspection lots have been considered acceptable on original inspection.
(e) When the rules require a switch in the inspection status because of one or more classes of defects, all classes of defects shall be inspected under the new inspection criteria. At the option of the user of the service and when approved by the Administrator, such user may elect to remain on normal inspection when qualified for reduced inspection, or on tightened inspection when qualified for normal inspection.
(f) Appeal inspection--(1) Appeal request. Any interested party who is not satisfied with the results of a condition inspection on packaged food containers, as stated on an official certificate, may request an appeal inspection.
(1) Appeal request. Any interested party who is not satisfied with the results of a condition inspection on packaged food containers, as stated on an official certificate, may request an appeal inspection.
(2) How to file an appeal. A request for an appeal inspection may be made orally or in writing. If made orally, written confirmation may be required. The applicant shall clearly state the reasons for requesting the appeal service and a description of the product to be appealed.
(3) When an application for an appeal inspection may be refused. When it appears that: (i) The reasons given in the request are frivolous or not substantial; or (ii) the condition of the containers has undergone a material change since the original inspection; or (iii) the original lot is no longer intact, the applicant's request for the appeal inspection may be refused. In such case, the applicant shall be promptly notified of the reason(s) for such refusal.
(4) Who shall perform the appeal. An appeal inspection shall be performed by a person(s) other than the person who made the inspection being appealed.
(5) Sampling procedures. The sampling plan for an appeal inspection shall be the next larger sampling plan from the plan in the table used in the original inspection.
(6) Appeal certificate. Immediately after an appeal inspection is completed, an appeal certificate shall be issued to show that the original inspection was sustained or was not sustained. Such certificate shall supersede any previously issued certificate for the inspection involved and shall clearly identify the number and date of the superseded certificate. The issuance of the appeal certificate may be withheld until the previously issued certificate and all copies have been returned when such action is deemed necessary to protect the interest of the Government. [31 FR 4687, Mar. 19, 1966, as amended at 36 FR 18456, Sept. 15, 1971. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977 and 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981]