(a) U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy is the quality of whole or pitted dates that are of one variety, that possess a good color, that are practically uniform in size, that are practically free from defects, that possess a good character, and that score not less than 90 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.
(b) U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice is the quality of whole or pitted dates other than whole dry dates for processing that are of one variety, that possess a reasonably good color, that are reasonably uniform in size, that are reasonably free from defects, that possess a reasonably good character, and that score not less than 80 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.
(c) U.S. Grade B (Dry) or U.S. Choice (Dry) is the quality of whole dry dates for processing that are of one variety, that possess a reasonably good color, that are reasonably uniform in size, that are reasonably free from defects, that possess a reasonably good character, and that score not less than 80 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.
(d) U.S. Grade C or U.S. Stand- ard is the quality of whole or pitted dates other than whole dry dates for processing that are of one variety or of date pieces or macerated dates that possess a fairly good color, that are fairly uniform in size except for date pieces or macerated dates, that are fairly free from defects, that possess a fairly good character, and that score not less than 70 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.
(e) U.S. Grade C (Dry) or U.S. Standard (Dry) is the quality of whole dry dates for processing that are of one variety, that possess a fairly good color, that are fairly uniform in size, that are fairly free from defects, that possess a fairly good character, and that score not less than 70 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart.
(f) Substandard is the quality of dates that fail to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C or U.S. Stand- ard or U.S. Grade C (Dry) or U.S. Standard (Dry), whichever is applicable.
Factors of Quality