Count per pound (Average).............................
( ) Extra large.......................................
( ) Large.............................................
( ) Medium............................................
( ) Small.............................................Moisture content percent; Uniformity....................Varietal characteristics: ( ). Similar. ( ) Dissimilar.------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Defects and summary of Substandard
allowances \1\ Grade A maximum Grade B maximum Grade C maximum maximum----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total of all defects, including 10 percent........ 15 percent........ .................. No limit except as
off-color. indicated below.Total of all defects, including .................. .................. 20 percent........
off-color and poor texture.Poor texture, end cracks, skin But no more than 6 But no more than 8
or flesh damage, \3\ percent. percent.
fermentation, scars, heat
damage, insect injury, other
means, mold, dirt, foreign
material, insect infestation,
decay.End cracks,\2\ skin or flesh .................. .................. 10 percent \2\....
damage, \3\ fermentation,
scars, heat damage, insect
injury, other means, mold,
dirt, foreign material, insect
infestation, decay.
Skin or flesh damage, \3\ .................. .................. But no more than 8
fermentation, scars, heat percent.
damage, insect injury,
other means, mold, dirt,
foreign material, insect
infestation, decay.
Mold, dirt, foreign 3 percent......... 4 percent......... 5 percent......... 5 percent.
material, insect
infestation, decay.
Decay....................... But no more than 1 But no more than 1 But no more than 1 But no more than 1
percent. percent. percent. percent.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total...........................................................................................................
U.S. Grade (including all factors)..............................................................................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Percentages of defects are ``by weight.''\2\ Except that each 1 percent of end cracks to, and including 8 percent, by weight, shall be considered as \1/
2\ percent damaged by end cracks; and any additional end cracks shall be calculated as true percentage, by
weight.\3\ Allowances for ``skin or flesh damage'' apply only to ``Whole Unpitted'' style. [21 FR 8177, Oct. 25, 1956, as amended at 30 FR 11596, Sept. 10, 1965. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977 and at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981]
Subpart_United States Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives \1\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\1\ Compliance with the provisions of these standards shall not excuse failure to comply with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or with applicable State laws and regulations.
Source: 42 FR 38585, July 29, 1977, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981.
Product Description, Types, Styles, and Grades