(a) U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid-Clean State. (1) A State will be declared a U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean State when it has been determined by the Service that:
(1) A State will be declared a U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean State when it has been determined by the Service that:
(i) The State is in compliance with the provisions contained in Sec. 145.23(b)(3)(i) through (vii), Sec. 145.33(b)(3)(i) through (vii), Sec. 145.43(b)(3)(i) through (vi), Sec. 145.53(b)(3)(i) through (vii), Sec. 145.73(b)(2)(i), Sec. 145.83(b)(2)(i), and Sec. 145.93(b)(3)(i) through (vii).
(ii) No pullorum disease or fowl typhoid is known to exist nor to have existed in hatchery supply flocks within the State during the preceding 12 months: Provided, That pullorum disease or fowl typhoid found within the preceding 24 months in waterfowl, exhibition poultry, and game bird breeding flocks will not prevent a State, which is otherwise eligible from qualifying.
(2) Discontinuation of any of the conditions described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, or repeated outbreaks of pullorum or typhoid occur in hatchery supply flocks described in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, or if an infection spreads from the originating premises, the Service shall have grounds to revoke its determination that the State is entitled to this classification. Such action shall not be taken until a thorough investigation has been made by the Service and the Official State Agency has been given an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with rules of practice adopted by the Administrator.
(b) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean State, Meat-Type Chickens. (1) A State will be declared a U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean State, Meat-Type Chickens, when it has been determined by the Service that:
(1) A State will be declared a U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean State, Meat-Type Chickens, when it has been determined by the Service that:
(i) No M. gallisepticum is known to exist nor to have existed in meat-type chicken breeding flocks in production within the State during the preceding 12 months;
(ii) All meat-type chicken breeding flocks in production are classified as U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean in accordance with Sec. Sec. 145.33(c) and 145.83(c) or have met equivalent requirements for M. gallisepticum control under official supervision;
(iii) All hatcheries within the State which handle products from meat-type chicken breeding flocks only handle products which are classified as U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean or have met equivalent requirements for M. gallisepticum control under official supervision;
(iv) All shipments of products from meat-type chicken breeding flocks other than those classified as U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean, or equivalent, into the State are prohibited;
(v) All persons performing poultry disease diagnostic services within the State are required to report to the Official State Agency within 48 hours the source of all specimens from chickens from meat-type chicken breeding flocks that have been identified as being infected with M. gallisepticum;
(vi) All reports of M. gallisepticum infection in chickens from meat-type chicken breeding flocks are promptly followed by an investigation by the Official State Agency to determine the origin of the infection;
(vii) All chickens from meat-type chicken breeding flocks found to be infected with M. gallisepticum are quarantined until marketed under supervision of the Official State Agency.
(2) Discontinuation of any of the conditions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, or if repeated outbreaks of M. gallisepticum occur in meat-type chicken breeding flocks described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, or if an infection spreads from the originating premises, the Service shall have grounds to revoke its determination that the State is entitled to this classification. Such action shall not be taken until a thorough investigation has been made by the Service and the Official State Agency has been given an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with rules of practice adopted by the Administrator. [40 FR 1503, Jan. 8, 1975. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979, and amended at 50 FR 19899, May 13, 1985; 54 FR 23957, June 5, 1989; 67 FR 8469, Feb. 25, 2002; 72 FR 1419, Jan. 12, 2007; 76 FR 15793, Mar. 22, 2011]